Friday, May 28, 2010

Parenting 101

For the first time in a long time, I actually wrote a blog post that was more than the typical "here's what we've been up to" junk. Well, then I accidentally deleted it. I'm way too tired to retype it so here are the cliff notes:
Parenting is hard. We've made mistakes. Ethan can be bad, isn't potty trained, and still uses pacifiers, but we're doing the best we can. Oh yeah, and he's also pretty darn funny and cute. Eleanor continues to be perfect, which we know we will pay for in the future. The end.

Pizza for breakfast On the carousel with Uncle Billy at the zoo. Eleanor watching in the stroller. Today was the first day I had her upright in the stroller and not reclined. She's growing up!

This is Ethan singing the theme song from the original Spiderman cartoon series. We catch him singing it all the time and finally caught some on video. My favorite is when he says "radioactive blood." If you want to see the actual version, click on this link:

1 comment:

Susie O'Rourke said...

I like Ethan's reaction when he realizes he is on camera. :)
Post the video of Eleanor laughing!!