Saturday, May 1, 2010

Ethan Sticks it to Costco

Ethan has some play money for his cash register. This morning, he asked me what it was. I said it was a play 20 dollar bill, but he corrected me and said it was a "Seven dollar Pop Pop." Apparently, he hears "bill" and thinks of Pop Pop Bill, so paper money is now Pop Pops. Good stuff.

We have had an interesting week, or at least an interesting end of the week. Thursday, after a particularly rough night with Ethan, I called the pediatrician because Ethan was complaining his ear hurt. He had a cold with a wet cough, so I figured he may have an ear infection. He was really lethargic all morning, but I decided to run to Costco quickly since we were out of diapers. His appointment was at noon. Well, he refused to get into a cart and made me carry him around the whole time. Nothing would coax him, not even a sucker or a cookie. Thankfully, my mom was there with my sister, so she pushed Eleanor in a cart while I carried my 30+ pound kid. Well, just as we were checking out, I put Ethan down to pay. He started wimpering a bit and then threw up all over himself. Twice. It was our first public barfing. Great mom that I am, my first thought was that I could not have him throwing up in our brand new van! Again, thank goodness my mom was there, who helped with him and walked us out to the car, where I changed his clothes, thanks to my emergency diaper bag. The people at Costco were really nice about everything. I was more than a little flustered, but they were very kind, so that was good. Ethan fell asleep on the way home (no more barfing!) while I drove like a bat out of hell to get home with a clean car. He stayed asleep until his appointment, where we confirmed his ear infection. We're guessing the vomit was due to a lot of extra mucous and possibly pain. He tends to throw up whenever he's sick, not just with a stomach bug. (Super.) I admit that the afternoon that day was sort of nice because Ethan was so tired/feverish, he slept on the couch all afternoon. The next day, he was back to his crazy self.

Below is a picture of our old car, but I have yet to take one of the new van. I LOVE it. It's fabulous for the kids, and I already feel at home in my minivan. Will said that he now feels like a parent. Apparently, two kids didn't do it for him, but a van does. Go figure. There are also pictures from a recent bathtime and from our trip to the children's garden at the Morton Arboretum. Ethan had a great time, as did I watching him.


Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

I love how he called it a seven-dollar Pop-Pop! That reminds me of what Pufferfish sometimes called her Gymboree teacher, Miss Kim. Her dad is Korean and feeds her kim bop, which is seaweed (kim) wrapped around rice (bop.) So Pufferfish remembered her teacher's name as "Miss Kim Bop!"

Susie O'Rourke said...

Cute pics. I hope Ethan is feeling better. Can't wait to see the van!