Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ethan loves to mow the lawn with Will. He imitates him the whole time. Will said that the other day, cars were slowing down to watch them because it was so cute. I caught some of the cute fest on video today.

Ethan's latest obsession is with garbage. Everything in our house is "trash" and Ethan fills all his dump trucks with it and pushes it around the house to put it in the "landfill." What this means is that I find loads of stickers, toothpicks, underwear, etc., all over in piles. It's a fun phase.

His language continues to explode, and there are times that I listen to him tell a story and just smile because it's so darn cute. A few of his latest favorite phrases are, "That's the end of the story," "That's a good idea," and "Do you love _______" as in "Do you love this song I'm playing?" or "Do you love this dirt?"

On the not so cute side, I have to be very careful to not leave him alone with Eleanor, as I think he likes to experiment by laying on her, squeezing her feet, putting things on top of her (pillows), or just causing general havoc. He doesn't do so maliciously, I don't think, but there are definitely times I see him going to do something bad toward her when he's not getting attention. Really, though, he gets a lot more attention than Eleanor most of the time. Thankfully, Eleanor is such a great baby, she doesn't seem to notice.

She smiles more and more every day and is more alert, too. I am very, very grateful that she's sleeping well and is content during the day. I am also glad to have a husband that can be home to help with Ethan at a decent hour. It's so helpful and has really made the transition to 2 pretty seemless. I'm a lucky woman!


Dada said...

I'm sure Will thinks it will be great once Ethan can mow for real on his own! Cute videos!

(from Susie)

Luke said...

Those videos are great! Ethan really is working hard to "mow" that lawn - I can tell!