Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mommy Blogging

The other night Will called me into the family room to watch a channel 7 news story about Mommy Blogging. It detailed the apparently new habit of stay at home moms starting blogs. One woman with 6 kids started a blog about the funny antics of her children and entertaining anecdotes of her crazy life. Her blog became popular and she now makes $4,000.00 a month from advertisements on her site! I tried to convince Will that I should open my blog up to the public in order to gain popularity and a fan base, but he did not think that was a good idea. :)

While giving Ethan a bath that night, though, I did start fantasizing about being like Carrie from Sex in the City and writing little editorial pieces about all the random funny things that being a mother bring with it. I could call my column (Who has time for) Sex in the Suburbs. My mind was racing with ideas of what I could write about, from the ridiculousness of baby sleep books to the extreme competitiveness that all mothers feel when it comes to their baby's development. I would put a witty spin on all things mother and people would flock to it! Eventually, my column would become so popular that someone would ask me to write a book. My lifelong dream of being published would be realized. Once the book hit the best sellers list, Oprah would have me on her show. My interview would be watched by stay at home moms around the world, and the letters would pour in. I would become a regular guest like Dr. Oz or the diet guy. I would be THE authority of staying home with children. Will would no longer worry about me not working because of all the royalties coming in from my books (yes, books...I wrote another one shortly after my Oprah visit). We would travel all over the world--

My fantasy bubble was burst when Ethan pooped in his own bathwater. A mad dash to get him out of the soiled tub ensued. Perhaps that would make a good column. I'll start it later tonight, after I get Ethan ready for bed, feed him, put him to bed, put him to bed again, clean up from dinner, exercise (maybe), shower (another maybe), and get into bed. Yeah, by then I'll be itching to stay up and write, don't you think?


Sarah H said...

I love the name of your fantasy column! Maybe it will happen! I know my mad blogging skills won't make me famous, but yours could. It's fun to dream. Ahhh, poop in the tub. Done that several times. I mean the boys have. I do have a memory of the last time Marie and I took a bath together. She pooped in it and I started crying looking at the floating poop and like I said it was the last time we took a bath together.

T. Fear said...

Ok, I am cracking up right now! I was smiling with endearment, then read the pooping incident and burst out laughing-scared Triton right off of my lap! You're so clever! You discount yourself too much--I wouldn't giggle in that one posting if you didn't have that edge. You should seriously NOT joke about it and just do it! Or at least keep documenting those moments on this blog, keep giving cute titles, and then use it later on...

And I don't know who Sarah H is but I'm cracking up at hers too! I had my niece over last weekend for a sleepover (she is 18 months old) and gave her a bath. Alex came in while we were playing and splashing and wanted to know if she was going to have any floating poop because he heard other teachers at his school talking about it. I didn't know guys listened that carefully!

LetsGoThrow said...

We hear all, mama.