Friday, October 12, 2007

It's Cold!

OK, now I know that I was just complaining about the heat, but now I'm freezing! We don't want to turn our heat on just yet because we know it will probably warm up soon, but it's pretty cold. I've had a heater fan going in Ethan's room to keep it toasty for him. The really bad thing is that it's been a bit too blustery to take him out for a walk, which leaves me stuck in the house. No fun. Today, I did take a quick trip to Dominicks to meet a friend at the Starbucks. Then, we decided to walk over to LT since it was Will's lunchtime. Many of his students got to see Ethan, and Will was a very proud papa. He even asked if I'd stay so that his next class could see them.

I saw a few of my old kids, too, which was bittersweet. I miss being able to keep an eye on my old Trans students and make sure they're on track. One of my old students, Guillermo, was around today and said to his friend, "She was the greatest English teacher because she really cared about me." He's always been a big schmoozer, but, still, it made me smile. I did care about him...still do. He's getting an A in English now, he says, so I'll have to check with Mr. Maffey about that one. I hope he keeps it!

Time to give Mr. Ethan a bath...he's extra splashy lately!


Sarah H said...

Hey bud,
Isn't the weather crazy? I mean, we had our air conditioning on and recently as Monday. I don't want to turn on the heat either; it just seems wrong to do ac and heat in the same week. One of those fan heaters sounds nice about now though. I'm freezing in our house.
That's fun that you got to bring ethan to school. You were a great teacher. It must be hard to not be doing that now. But just think of the students you affected while you were there, and you'll be back.

T. Fear said...

I LOVED SEEING YOU THAT DAY!! I miss your humor, your genious ideas and brain lightbulbs, your passionate moments where you raise both hands and pump them in imitation or frustration! HOWEVER, that said, I am so glad you are able to take this year and enjoy these amazing moments with Ethan. You are still an English teacher; you are still a professional woman. If you were walking down the street with ME and that kid mouthed off, you would have still gotten the comment about shutting your mouth (teacher cards only work in school-baby or no baby!)

And I'll admit it--my heat is now on--I couldn't help it...remind me I'm a baby when I complain about our bill...