Wednesday, October 31, 2007

(Hershey) Kisses from Ethan

Happy Halloween! We had a fun day today with a visit to Peter Pan and Captain Hook's place and also Grandma at her work. (On a side note, my mom's new preschool/daycare building at COD is amazing! It sure beats the place I was at when mom was in school and I was in preschool. Too bad we don't live closer because I would love to send Ethan there. In fact, I kind of want to play there - it's so cool!) Ethan's costume was a hand-me-down from Ben and fit very well. I didn't stuff it until later on tonight, but we didn't get any pictures of that because our little man was a bit cranky from not getting good naps in today. Take my word for it that the costume was even cuter when you puff it up a bit. Ben and Drew had great costumes this year, bought a while ago to use on their trip to Disney in early October. They LOVE to wear them.

When I got home, I made some pumpkin soup for dinner, a recipe my mom saw on the Channel 7 news. It was rich and pretty tasty. I thought maybe it will become our traditional Halloween meal, like chili was for us when I was a kid. We'll see.

We really have had very few trick-or-treaters, which is terrible because it means I will have a lot of leftover candy. I bought four bags at least a month ago and didn't open them until tonight. That's pretty good considering I'm always hungry and I'm home all day. Of course, I've already had three pieces tonight. We have had a few students come to the house already. One came (sans costume - more on this later) and said, "Hey, is this Mr. Meuer's house?" I said, "Who's Mr. Meuer?" and a kid came up behind the first one and said, "Is it?" and the first kid said, "No." Then the second kid saw me and said, "Oh, it's Mrs. Meuer! Yeah it is!" Dangit! I didn't have either kid but apparently they recognized me from the hallways last year. So then Mr. Meuer had to come and say hello. Neither was in costume and when I asked about it, they said they were teenagers. This is one of my all time pet peeves. I think high school kids are too old to trick-or-treat, first of all. But, if they are, they should be in costume! The thing is, though, that you can't give them too hard of a time about it when they come to the door unless you want eggs thrown at your house later on. Grrr! One group of non-costumed LT kids came to the door and I heard them tell Will, "Oh, Kit Kats. Can I have those?" No please. No thank you when he gave them their candy. I yelled out from the background, "Say please, you non-costumed kids who are too old to trick-or-treat!" My sister Lisa said for someone who teaches teenagers I have a low tolerance for them. But I assured her that the kids I teach would have gotten their Halloween lecture from me had I been in the classroom today. I always polled the kids on who was going out and then told them they better dress up and say please and thank you. Oh well, if I continue I'll have to start my own rant blog like my dad.

Happy Halloween!


Daddy Duck said...
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Daddy Duck said...

Rant away you teenage Trick-or-Treater hater. (:

Sarah H said...

Such cute pictures! I love how you're yelling at the teenagers in the background.
We got tons of trick -or-treaters. I gave away 10 bags of candy, two of which were mini recees that were stretched pretty thin. We had a lot of teenagers too.
I totally stopped trick or treating in Jr. High. I think 6th or 7th grade was the last time I went. Chidlren are just so less mature these days (said in a very mature voice).