Friday, October 19, 2007

Cloth Dipes

Well, Will and I have taken the plunge. Yesterday, I ordered 18 cloth diapers, inserts, and a few other cloth diapering accessories. The initial investment is a bit much, but we're excited at the prospect of not having to buy diapers anymore. Plus, we can use these with a second child as well. What I like the most about making the switch, though, is that we won't be throwing away any more diapers. I hate how many we go through and thinking that they sit in a landfill.

I really am pretty excited about this, though, because my friend (whose lead I am following) loves cloth diapering, and there are many people on this mom chat forum I belong to who love it, too! The diapers themselves have changed a lot since I was in cloth diapers, and they're just so cute. And my friend said she has never had leaking issues and her son does not get diaper rash anymore.

Of course, the main disadvantage is the washing. I will probably have to wash them every other day. But since I'm home and only have Ethan, that is definitely doable. Now I just wish we had a high efficiency washer!

Stay tuned for interesting cloth dipe stories once we actually begin the adventure...

By the way, if you'd like to check out the site for where I got most of the diapers, called Fuzzi Buns, you can check out this link:

I actually order them from this site, though, which has free shipping:

And, finally, here is a link to the soap we'll be using, which I've heard is fantastic:


Susie O'Rourke said...

So...I just spend a good 10 minutes of my Friday night looking at the websites. I need a life!
But, way to go on getting the cloth diapers. This is yet another example of how much you are going to teach me when Kevin and I finally have a baby!

Sarah H said...

What an inspiration! That's awesome bud that you're doing cloth diapers. I'll see how they work for you and then I'm hoping to use them with our next child.

Emma said...

Can I out myself as the "friend" whose lead you are following? :) I am so glad you are doing this! Once you get started, it's a cinch!

T. Fear said...

Yeah, I'm with Susie--so proud...but very happy you're doing it first so you can teach me later! My parents did it too when they weren't as "cool." I bet they are even easier now! Keep us posted!

Daddy Duck said...

Better get a bucket and some pinesol. Talk to the old folks like us we can tell you how best to handle cloth ditys