Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cloth Dipes and Trail Mix

Ethan started with cloth diapers yesterday! It took me half the afternoon to prepare our washer to wash them. I did a load with vinegar to clean it out and get any residue off the sides. Then, I did a small wash of towels with Charlie's Soap to help clean it out even more. Then, I washed all his new diapers and inserts. From now on, I'll be able to simply wash the diapers, but I wanted to make sure our washer was very clean since any residue can compromise the dipes. As you can see in the pictures, Ethan is very happy with his Fuzzi Buns. They're great because with the snaps Will knows exactly how tight to put them. And the inside is so soft! Ethan's bum will thank us. I'm not sure if you can tell from the pictures, but the diaper he has on is a light green. I got 4 different colors and a few white ones. They're a fashion statement on their own, really. The big news is that we used the cloth diaper at night with an extra insert and he went 11 hours with no leaking! So we feel comfortable using them at night, too, which is good. It was definitely full, just like his disposables were, but no leaks, and his bottom was nice and dry because the microfleece wicks away the moisture. So far, we're really happy. It hasn't even been a full day, though, so check back in.

Besides starting cloth diapers yesterday, I also made some homemade trail mix bars. (I told my mom that next thing you know I would be growing the hair out in my armpits or something. I'm a big hippie now, apparently.) There was a recipe on the top of our peanut butter. They're super good and easy; I'm already thinking of new recipes for different bars. My new money making scheme is to market these to organic-loving, busy moms. Here's the recipe:

3 cups crispy rice cereal 3/4 cup sugar
3 cups toasted oat cereal 1 (16oz) jar natural peanut butter
1 1/2 cups raisins (I used dried cherries) 1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup sunflower nuts 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup honey (optional - I didn't use them)

1. Combine cereal, raisins, sunflower nuts (and chocolate chips) in large bowl.
2. Combine honey and sugar in medium pan; heat over medium heat 3 to 5 minutes or until mixture comes to a boil. Boil 1 minute.
3. Add peanut butter and vanilla; stir until peanut butter is melted.
4. Pour mixture into greased 15 x 10 x 1 inch baking pan. When cool cut into bars.

The recipe says it makes 5 dozen bars, but, honestly, who are they kidding? They would have to be cut into bit size pieces. I probably got 20 good sized bars out of them. They are great snacks and really easy, especially since the ingredients are usually around the house. Enjoy!


Emma said...

Yay for FuzziBunz! Now Ethan and Henry can match! I am so glad you took the plunge. I know you'll become just as addicted as I am!

T. Fear said...

I am so impressed (and they look so soft and comfy!)
I love seeing these pictures of your little man--makes me want one of my own!
Thanks for the recipe--you know I can't eat peanut butter, but Alex would love these. I might have to suck it up and make them for him...

Luke said...

Ethan is sooooo cute in those dipes! Love em and love the environmental you! My mom would be proud. :) I'm going to try those bars. I'm thinking mini M&M's might be tasty in them. You know I need my chocolate.

Daddy Duck said...

Hmm! I wonder who told you nothing would touch my daughters butts but cloth diapers? I applaud you vigelance but I don't remember it being that hard. Nothing a bucket of Pinesol and a Pre-wash and Hot wash couldn't fix. PS, give the Grandson of mine a big kiss.