Wednesday, April 30, 2008


He made it through the winter without one. He made it through trips to germ central Lyons Township High School without catching one. He made it through bouts when both his parents had one. He's made it ten months without one. It's finally looking like spring...and Ethan caught a cold! Poor guy. He started with a very mucous-y cough yesterday that was gotten progressively worse. Last night, he was up three times for some comfort after waking up from coughing. Luckily, his naps today were still pretty good, even with some coughing interludes. And he remains in pretty good spirits except when he coughs, which makes his eyes water. :( I'm sad because he's not feeling well, but also because I was hoping he might make it through his first year with zero illnesses. He was so close - two months to go! He did have that rash, but I don't consider it an illness since it really didn't affect him other than the fact that he looked pretty freaky. Of course, if all the illness we have to deal with is a simple cold, that's OK by me.

Besides his first cold, Ethan had another first recently. He's starting standing up on his own, as you'll see in the video. He has started doing this completely on his own. The other day, he got on one of his toys and just let go and stood there. Will and I were right there but I didn't notice what was going on until he had reached for the toy again to hold on to. I said to Will, "Did you just see that? He was totally just standing up on his own!" Now, he does it all the time. Every time he does it, he gets this crazy funny look on his face like, "Hey, I'm standing. How 'bout that?" He looks like a he's on a surf board and he's new to surfing. After 10 seconds or so, he plops down on his butt. Or, as you'll see in the video, falls forward. Oops.


Luke said...

That video is hilarious. We were cracking up over here. Thank goodness for that helmet.

Emma said...

Poor Ethan! I hope he feels better soon.

Susie O'Rourke said...

LOVE that video. I really needed a laugh today, so thank you Ethan. Way to stand up, E!!

Sarah H said...

It's amazing he stayed healthy for so long! Another benefit of breastfeeding.
It was fun to see you at the zoo today. Thanks for calling me.

LetsGoThrow said...

Hi, I just started Three Cups. Sorry for being behind in the club.