Saturday, May 10, 2008

Fund Raiser Update

Thanks to all of you who have graciously donated books, I have already exceeded my goal of $100. As of today, we are up to $111 to donate to the Central Asia Institute (see two posts below if you're confused). And, really, this is only from 3 loads of books. Actually, it's from 4, but one that Will brought in (four boxes worth) only yielded $2. :( But, hey, every little bit helps. The neatest thing is that most of the books people have brought me are from friends of friends or family. My aunt forwarded my message to a few co-workers and a few of them forwarded it to more people. I just got an email from a woman yesterday who says she has a ton of books for me. It just so happens she lives in LaGrange, too, so it will be easy to get them from her. It is heart warming to see complete strangers make an effort to help somebody else achieve a goal.

I should mention, too, that I found out that the place I'm selling the books to also buys old records, tapes, CD's, videos, and DVDs. So if anyone has some they'd like to unload, let me know. Thanks!

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