Monday, April 14, 2008

Fun with Video

Code Red...or should I say Code Brown?

We always take a gamble when we undress Ethan before his bath right in the bathroom. This time, we gambled and lost.

Not Bananas for Bananas

I gave Ethan some fresh banana today, mashed up. He eats them from a jar, but for some reason didn't seem to find the fresh stuff as tasty. I think it's more of a texture thing than taste since it was a bit chunkier than he's used to. He ate it all, making a face the whole time.


Sarah H said...

At least the poop is fairly compact and now just a brown glop/puddle on the floor.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Good times!!! That is so much better than when they poop in the bathtub though. That involves a lot more cleanup. Gross!