Saturday, July 6, 2013

Last Day

Day 12
Last day! Definitely bittersweet, as we had an awesome time here. We will leave a piece of us in Maine.
Ethan and I went for a mommy son hike this morning. We went to Flying Mountain, which was a short hike to the summit, maybe 20 minutes, but probably one of the best views from the top. It was all water looking down in three directions, and with the sun shining, the water was glittering. It was absolutely gorgeous. Loved it.

We came home and got ready to go to Sand Beach, which was where would spent the afternoon. It was pretty crowded, but we tried the lot even though the sign said it was full. As has been the case this whole trip, we completely lucked out with parking and got a spot. This meant we did not have to park up on the road and walk all of our beach stuff like all the other schmucks.

It was almost 90 today, and the sun was hot! The water was still pretty cold, but it sure did feel good. We spent most of the afternoon there, playing in the sand and water, taking pictures for Asian tourists, and protecting our sandwiches from seagulls. Will had three quarters of his sandwich stolen by a gull. Swooped right down and grabbed it. I didn't see it, but another woman did. Pretty entertaining. The kids would have stayed all day, but, alas, we had to go.

We came home for much needed showers and then our last dinner out. I forced Ethan in to his one nicer outfit and we walked down our driveway and into downtown Southwest Harbor for dinner. We ended up at the Drydock Inn and restaurant, our only sit down place. I got a lobster roll, which was tasty, and Will got a crusted haddock. The kids got kids meals. We walked home and made a quick fire for our s'more dessert. Then it was bedtime so we could pack. We got our clothes mostly set, so tomorrow shouldn't be too bad.

Farewell, Acadia National Park.  We hope to return to you someday!

Haiku of the day:
Early morning hike
A day at the beach-our last
Farewell MDI

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