Sunday, July 7, 2013

Homeward Bound

Day 14

We survived our night at the Bates Motel...barely.  It was fine, just a late night.  I went for a run this morning (my first the whole legs have been soooooo restless) and discovered that the town we were in, Lee, is really jus beautiful.  Tons of great Victorian homes with big porches, mountains in the distance, hills everywhere.  Very picturesque.  

Anyway, not a lot of energy to write but just a quick note to say we drove on to Cleveland today instead of stopping after only a few hours of driving today.  We hit some bad traffic in the end due to a lane closure, but other than that, it was not too bad.  Just a long day...left at 8am and got to Marj and Carolyn's at 6:30.  They kids had a great time, then, playing with really cool bubble gizmos they got and also got a great meal and ice cream cake for dessert.  

Thanks to Marj and Carolyn for putting us up not one but two days early.  We kept changing out plans!  But we are all glad to be LaGrange bound tomorrow.  Woohoo!

Great trip, but we are ready to be back in our own beds...

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