Friday, June 28, 2013

I heart Vermont

Day 5

Today was our shortest day of mileage, but we also took the longest to get from point A to point B.  That being said, it was also maybe my favorite day of traveling.  And here is why...I looooooooooove Vermont.  Like, I want to live there.  For real.  It's so beautiful. But let's back up.

We left Lake Placid in rain at 9am.  For breakfast, since our craptastic hotel didn't serve any, the kids ate some of the popcorn we'd gotten the night before at a cute popcorn shop.  We drove a ways then found someplace with donuts and juice.  Breakfast of champions.  It took us about an hour to get to Lake Champlain, where we were taking a ferry into Burlington, VT.  We had to wait about 25 minutes for the ferry.  Then the ferry ride, on a double decker, was about an hour.  We imagine it would have been beautiful, had it not been rainy and cool.  But the kids still thought it was neat that we got to drive our van on to a big boat.  We sat outside on the top deck under an awning for a bit but then sat inside for most of it.  There was a little snack bar and gift shop.  

As we got closer to Burlington, you could see some of the mountains through the fog, and, despite the weather, it was picturesque.  We ate lunch at a hipster, Whole Foods-esque co-op grocery then headed on our way.  The weather cleared up, and thus began my love affair with Vermont. was so freaking pretty.

We had decided to try to take a tour of the Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory on our way, which was not too far away from Burlington and on our way to NH.  We stopped, but since we were going to have to wait 30 minutes for a tour that was another30 minutes, we opted to skip the tour and just eat some ice cream.  Ethan got strawberry, Eleanor got cherry Garcia, and I got Chunky Monkey.  You can all likely guess what Will got.  It was all yummy!  

Back on the road, and I was so glad Will did all the driving.  I would have surely driven off the road looking around.  It was different from being in the Adirondacks because it was not as claustrophobic.   We were still driving through mountains but with space and so much green.  Contrasted with the red of well kept farm buildings, it was all one big post card.  I've been to a lot of beautiful places, but I honestly think this was the prettiest drive I've ever been on.  I'm excited to see how Maine will compare because I think it will. 

My favorite part of the day was having the windows open and driving with the Pride and Prejudice soundtrack on in the background.  Pure heaven.  And I even got to see a couple of covered bridges.  If we don't come back from Maine, check Vermont.  

Or New Hampshire, which so far seems just as lovely.  After several emergency potty breaks for Eleanor, we made it to our final hotel before Maine.  It's pretty great - two bedrooms and a small living area for less than our terrible Lake Placid hotel.  There is a heated outdoor pool (hopefully try it out in the morning) a little jumpy house, and gorgeous views of Mount Madison from our outdoor patio.  We ordered take out from a restaurant in town and the kids had a date in the room while Will and I ate outside facing the mountain.  Not a bad way to end the day.

We are looking forward to getting to our actual vacation destination tomorrow.  Laundry will be a first priority, as will unpacking for more than a night.  Stay tuned.

Wills quote of the day, after Eleanor yelled," So...shut up!" Will then said to me, "Anytime she gets sent to the principal, I will believe the principal."  She's going to be a slippery one, no doubt.

Foggy ferry ride
Vermont will be our new home
Syrup everywhere


Susie O'Rourke said...

Did Will get vanilla? or none?

I can't wait to see the pictures that go with the stories.
I hope the last leg of your drive goes well tomorrow...then MAINE! :)

Luke said...

Haha, I had the same guesses as Susie! I want to the know the answer. It sounds like a PERFECT trip! I am very jealous of all the beautiful sights you are seeing, but most especially, the stops at various restaurants/joints for different food! YUM!

Michelle said...

He didn't order any. He did try both mine and Eleanor's, but he claims they weren't very good. He claims wrong.