Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 2

Day 2

After a rough night with Eleanor, who we now discovered caught Ethan's summer cold, we were welcomed with a delicious quiche and bacon breakfast, among many other goodies.  Chef Carolyn really spoiled us the whole time.  

The big star of the morning, though, was the deer Ethan  spotted in the woods during breakfast.  He, Eleanor, and I promptly went out to try and get close to it.  I got a great picture of Ethan watching the deer through his binoculars (and he was quite close) and the deer looking right at him, though the deer did not have binoculars.  That would have been an even cooler picture.  

Later in the morning, we went to a really cool park Marj and Carolyn had scoped out for us.  It was huge and set up like a little town with buildings like banks, a fire house, a school, and, for Will, a gym.  We didn't stay too long since it was pretty warm and all the slides were a bit too hot to slide on.  But the kids had a great time running around and exploring.

Next, we headed to downtown Shaker, a really adorable place, and had lunch t a cute diner called Yours Truly.  The kids, because it was so warm, decided chicken noodle soup was an appropriate meal.  Fortunately we were in air conditioning, and the soup was very good and full of thick noodles.  

With the afternoon came a decent amount of rain, but that was a nice excuse to watch cartoons and rest.  And the rain let up for some dodge ball fun after dinner for the kids.  Then, it was an early and relatively painless bedtime before an incredibly delicious salmon dinner for the adults.  I'm leaving cleveland with a lot of recipe ideas, that's for sure!

Ethan's quote of the day: after an afternoon of rain, he spotted a deer in the woods in the yard.  He ran inside and announced, "I know why the deer was out now....because it's a reindeer!" The funny thing is, he didn't understand why we all laughed so hard.  Homonyms are a lesson for another day.

Eleanor's last words before succumbing to sleep: "one time, I saw a honey bear, and it kicked me, and then it said..." Easiest it's been to get her to sleep in weeks, thanks to an earlier start to the day, a decent cold, a busy day, and some Benadryl. 

Cool park then diner
Rain will not spoil our fun-no!
Dreams of salmon-YUM

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