Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Too busy/tired to update too much. Ready for February to be over - what a BLAH month. But we're excited for Eleanor's birthday tomorrow. My baby is one! Getting over another cold (much milder this time), and she should be good for the party Saturday. Here are some recent photos/videos.

Eleanor loves to play with her kitchen. She pulls all the pots and pans out and plays with the door of the oven.
Dancing with Daddy.
I have to keep shoes on her or she takes off her socks.
Love Ethan's face here.
Her favorite pastime these days is the pull all the DVD cases off the shelf here.
We had a few mild days last week - here is our first picnic of 2011.
A bit cold - but nice and sunny. Ahhh...vitamin D.
Ethan loves to make these little sleeping beds, as he calls them.
We took a trip to the aquarium this past weekend.
Eleanor looks slightly intoxicated.
Since we didn't plan ahead and it was Saturday night in the city with a line out the door at Gino's East, we ended up at Portillos. Oh well. It beats Rock 'n Roll McDonalds, which was our only other option at that point.

Eleanor caught in the act of raiding my bag. She loves to pull everything out.
My almost one year old!

And old video of Ethan playing in the blizzard drift.

Eleanor's first experience actually in the snow.

Here's the video of Ethan playing on his own. Not sure how much you can hear/understand, but I thought he was so cute.

I took this video of Eleanor the other night when she was just playing on her own. Will and I have noticed she puts everything on top of her head when she's playing with it. We think it's because Ethan loves to put things on her head. She must think this is what you do with things.
I caught Eleanor trying to get up the stairs the other day. Time to get the gate out, I guess.


Susie O'Rourke said...

I like those last two videos of Eleanor. She was being so good and cautious on the stairs.
Happy 1st birthday, sweet girl!

Luke said...

Happy almost birthday Eleanor!!!!!! Crazy to think how quickly time has passed. It looks like Eleanor is going to start walking any day now?! Yah? I love how Ethan is hiding in the aquarium picture. Oh, Ethan!