Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ethan the Hollywood stuntman

Guest Appearance by Will

I have never written on a blog before (as having one of my own would be pretty ambitious for me right now) and Michelle just so happened to leave this page open so I thought I would do some reporting of my own.

I'll limit myself to one of the things Ethan did that made me laugh today. The man was in his little car today and managed to tip the thing over while he was inside. I held my breath as I awaited his reaction (the Jedi manual says to let younglings figure things out for themselves to a certain extent). The E man escaped his wrecked car by rolling out and then crawling away from the vehicle before it became engulfed in flames and exploded (this last part is exaggerated for the Hollywood movie script). After he crawled 10 feet away, he turned around in the middle of the lawn and then just sat and looked at the car. He had a contemplative expression as if he were reflecting on his narrow escape and near brush with death. Then he looked at me as if to say "I know I scared you dad, but I live on the edge...it's what I do."

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