Thursday, May 15, 2008

Relay For Life

I'm not trying to change the focus of this blog from Ethan to fundraising, but both Will and I are participating in the Relay for Life at our school. We'll be walking around the track in shifts during an all night fundraiser. I've chosen an evening shift (7-8pm), and Will is taking an early morning shift (5-6am!). Our team goal is to raise $1,000.00, and there are about 20 of us on the team, meaning we should each raise $50. If you are at all interested in donating (absolutely no pressure!), you may click on the link below which will take you to my personal page. There is a donate button so it can all be done online. Again, do not feel obligated...just thought I'd put it out there in case any of you had extra cash burning a whole in your pocket. We did just get our stimulus check! :) I'm not sure if Will will get around to signing himself up on this website so you can consider your donation going toward both our goals if you like him better than me.

And now, back to Ethan. Here he is being very resourceful climbing up onto his little couch. He was standing up on it yesterday! Once again: God, I'm going to miss that helmet!


Susie O'Rourke said...

You need to add the link to your RFL page... I'd donate, but I'm on your team! :)
Ethan is a maniac. I love him.

Michelle said...

Oops! Thanks, Sus! And great to see you today.

Keelagirl said...

Can't see the picture, but I really enjoyed our breakfast this morning. Ethan should get a commission from Blueberry Hill for personally greeting -with his banana coated hands- EVERYONE who passed our table.