Friday, May 30, 2008

Milestones Milestones

I'm through one week as a "retiree," and I'm feeling pretty good! I think it will hit me again in the fall when Will goes back to work and I'm home - again - but, really, I am so happy right now. We have had a lot of encouragement from those close to us, which is much appreciated. And having made the decision makes me look forward to summer without the scary stress of school hanging over my head.'ll notice in the pictures below that Ethan is helmet free! We thought we were going to keep it on until his birthday, but when we met with his orthotist last Friday he said that he thought we could be done. He said any more growth at this point would be negligible and if we wanted to be done, he was fine with it. So we're done! It's kind of sad because we really were attached to his little Obama helmet, but it's been nice not to worry about it, too. And he hasn't had any major bumps...yet. (Knock on wood, please.) The first night without it he did wake up, which is rare for him, and we thought he might have been weirded out from not having his helmet. I went in and put it back on him and then he slept until morning. But since then we haven't had it on at all and he's adjusted just fine. Not having the helmet does make for some pretty interesting hairdos, though, as you'll see in the first two pictures. He woke up the other day from a nap with total Jack Nicholson hair. And, now, when we feed him, a lot of food goes into his hair and acts as a sort of gel so that by the end of the meal he's got spikes of food sodden hair everywhere. It was easier to wipe down his helmet than his head of hair!

Our biggest news of the past week is that Ethan took his first steps on Saturday! We were at our friends' house for a bbq, and he was up against the couch. Will was a little away from the couch, and he took a step unassisted to Will. It took us a few seconds to realize what happened. I was mid-story when I said, "Did he just take his first steps?" And everyone said, "I think so!" It was pretty funny. And I'm so glad that both Will and I (and witnesses) were there to see it together. Good timing, Ethan! (Not like his first roll, which I'm still disgruntled about.) Since Saturday, he has taken 1-2 steps about every day, both for me and for Will. He just turned 11 months old on Monday, so it looks like he may be an early walker. I'm not in any hurry, but it is fun to see how he learns so much every day.

He really is such a good boy. He goes down for naps very easily lately and, besides an early wake up, sleeps well at night. While awake, he's happy and content to play with others or on his own, and he is just so darn funny. Yesterday, Will had a speaker to see in the city after work. Since he didn't have much time with Ethan, we walked with Will to the train station in town. While in his stroller, Ethan was waving to or reaching for anyone who passed by. Then, he kept turning around in the stroller and putting his arm out towards me. Every time he did it, I would shake his hand and say, "Nice to meet you." He just laughed and laughed. We did this over and over on the way home, and neither of us tired of it. I'm sure those looking out their windows at me thought I was a goof with a silly smile pasted on my face. Better that than a frown, though, right?

Goofy haired Ethan after his nap.
Here's a close up.
Mr. Jake and Mr. Ethan at Hammond and Courtney's house on Memorial Day. Ethan kept taking toys away from Jake!
I'm not sure if this is before or after Ethan tried to eat a helicopter (maple seed).
The boys with their uncles.
Look at Jake in his madras! He is so cute!
Grandpa took the boys for a stroll in H & C's giant backyard.

This is our new patio set. I had it set for lunch for my best friend, Sarah. I meant to get a picture of her and her 8.5 month pregnant belly, but I forgot. We had a great lunch, and Ethan got to join us in his booster seat.


Sarah H said...

Ethan is such a good boy, and what a cutie too! You're lucky to have such a sweet little guy for your daily companionship. :)

Susie O'Rourke said...

Love the hair pictures! What a cute boy.

Susie O'Rourke said...
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