Tuesday, November 6, 2007

First Time for Everything

There were two major firsts in the Meuer household last night. First, Ethan rolled over from his tummy to his back. The story, actually is pretty tragic. I had just left to go tutor this student, but I remembered I needed to ask Will a question. While pulling out of the driveway, I called his cellphone. Thirty seconds into our conversation, Will yelled out, "Oh my God! He just rolled over!" I was like, "What? You're kidding!" Nope. Not kidding. Ethan, who I spend ALL day with rolled over. And I wasn't there. I'd like to say I was simply happy Will got to see this milestone. I am happy Will saw it, but I was terribly sad I missed it. Everyone is saying, "He'll do it again." Yes, of course he will. But he will never do it for the first time again. Oh well, at least I was on the phone when he did it. I sure couldn't get him to do it again today, though, so we'll have to keep working on it.

The other big first was his first solid meal. As solid as you can call rice cereal mush. We gave him just a teaspoon or so at our dinnertime. He did pretty well, definitely interested but still pushing most things out with his tongue. I am a bit sad to be starting him on solids as it means he's really growing up. But it was also fun, and I like having him in the high chair at dinner. This morning, he had more cereal while I ate my oatmeal for breakfast. It was pretty nice eating breakfast with him and having a relaxing morning routine. I imagine just a few short months from now feeding time will be nothing but relaxing. I'm already thinking of what to use as a drop cloth under his high chair.

Here are some of the latest pictures of the man:

In the spirit of a typical four month old, everything goes in the mouth. Here's a picture of Ethan's makeout session with his fish.

I put Ethan in a straitjacket, er, I mean SwaddleMe for his naps. He's getting crafty, though, and manages to get out of it sometimes.

Here he is at our first full family dinner.


Emma said...

You need to check out this thing I found online called the "Sleep Pea Pod" www.sleeppeapod.com

T. Fear said...

Here's the baby virgin "You're supposed to swaddle them for naps?" I had no clue!!
Those pictures are adorable--I love getting to follow along and see him!

Emma and Michelle...I know you're sad that you can't do P/T conferences the next few days...admit it! :) Happy belated Birthday Emma!

Daddy Duck said...

I sorry you missed the milestone and it's great that he is eating solids, I can't wait to see, but I hope you are still thrilled when he throws his food all over the first time or the teething bisquit he is eating is everywhere except his mouth.

Sarah H said...

Cute pictures! Congratz to Ethan on his first big milestones but I'm sorry you missed it.