Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Senior Day at Kohls

Our lives have been fairly uneventful this past week. Hence the following blog entry about Kohls:

Ethan and I took a trip to Kohls today so that I could return something. I ended up buying an outfit for Ethan, the picture of which is below (along with a few other recent pics). He will wear it when him and Ben and Drew have their winter picture taken. We've been talking about it, so I thought I better get him a nice wintery outfit. I figure since it has a polar bear and not something strictly Christmas (like Santa...or Baby Jesus), he can wear it all season. Smart shopping, I say! Today was senior day at Kohls as well as a big 50% off sale. What this means is that there were even more than the typical amount of seniors at the store. Everywhere I looked, old, old women were wheeling around those basket walkers you can use at Kohls. It was quite difficult navigating around the hundreds of grandma's stocking up on, well, seemingly everything. You see, those wheel around baskets were a marketing genius on the part of some Kohls employee because I have never seen one of those carts not filled to the brim. It's incredible! People can really pack it in those things. There are clothes (with hangers poking dangerously through the mesh) and frames and shoeboxes all crammed in and usually items hanging out. I really think people end up buying more because they have someplace to put it. I mean, how many department stores have carts? You don't walk into Carsons or Macys, put your kid in a cart and tool around like you do at a grocery store. No. You only get as much as you can carry in your arms. But at Kohls, they give you that cart, giving you the excuse to buy one more holiday novelty decoration that, for some reason, is ALWAYS at least 50% off. Man, you gotta love Kohls. But, alas, I do not use those carts because then I would need to fill it, and I don't want to hear about how much we don't need that cute soap dispenser in the shape of three stacked pumpkins. But, Will, it was only $3.95 marked down from $12.00!
OK, here are the pictures:

Move over Hugh Hefner...

Ethan's discovered his tongue.

Cute, huh?


Sarah H said...

Hey bud, fun post. Costco is the same way. I mean, you can buy groceries so they have carts, but they are really huge and you can buy everything else there too, so you tend to load up. Today I was eating in their food court and I saw a booth where you could even buy a casket! I thought it was quite disturbing to stare at a casket while eating my lunch. Such a reminder of death.
Anyway, Ethan's sure cute! Can't wait to see you next!

T. Fear said...

Sarah totally stole my idea!!! That is EXACTLY how Costco is...they were even smarter and gave you room to put TWO KIDS in the front! I went with my sister and was cracking up at the two of them sitting side by side while we loaded the back!