Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 2

We have a very pleasant first day on the island.  I got up with Ethan and we decided to run/bike on the beach.  Ethan remembered the way to the beach club, and he took his bike while I ran along the beach.  It was pretty low tide, and there were tons of creatures on the beach.  We saw jellyfish, crabs, a giant horseshoe crab, and a few other unknowns.  We even got a video of a ghost crab scattering along.  It had its claws up and ready to fight was so cute.

We came home to find Eleanor had just woken up Will by "poking him." We had breakfast and then got ready for. Bike ride to Lawton stables with the Berkleys.  It was a short ride to the stables, and the kids had fun feeding Harley the horse, who is quite friendly. We also saw a deer, goats, pigs, donkeys, and alpacas.

We continued our ride into Harbour town.  The kids played at a park for a bit, and then we walked up the 112 stairs to the top of the lighthouse.  Very pretty views from the top.  We also enjoyed looking at the incredible yachts and watching people crabbing on the pier.  One little kid caught a decent sized one.  We actually have a crab net at our place, but Will doesn't want to deal with what to do when you actually catch one.  The dad on the pier couldn't get the crab off the didn't seem easy.

After the lighthouse, we rode home and had lunch and then got ready to go to the beach.  It was crowded!  We found a spot no problem but had to move pretty quickly because the tide was coming up.  We moved back quite a bit and by the time we left, the water was pretty close to us.  It was nuts.  The kids really like the water and how far they can go out and still stand.  Eleanor discovered boogie boarding and is hooked.  The Berkleys have some friends staying here, so the kids all played together.  Their youngest is Ben's age, but the other kids played well with our little ones.  Jacky fell asleep in Lisa's arms on a chair, so poor Lisa had to sit in the sun with a hot box on her.  Next time we will bring their tent.  It was definitely hot, but a long as you kept cooling off in the water, it was fine.

We came home around four and gave the kids much needed baths.  Will went to Publix for a few dinner supplies, and then we had tacos at the Berkley villa and watched the World Cup.  They decided to go into town to see Greg Russel, the musician who plays almost every night here and is an institution in HH.  We opted out because we could see how exhausted the kids were and selfishly wanted an early night ourselves.  The kids have been going to bed so late, and Ethan is still up early.  It ended up being the right decision, too, as Lisa texted shortly after they left that it was down pouring.  They came home then.  We will hopefully go tonight.

We have had a low key morning and now we are getting ready to hit the beach.  It is overcast today, which isn't the worse thing because the sun is hot.  There are chances of storms later but it seems tot only rain for short periods.  We will see...

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