Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Picture Dump

I'm a wee bit behind on the blog, and it's stressing me out. So at least here are some pictures to tide over the three people who actually read this!

Ethan's "rollerskates"
My friend Susie moved closer, so we've been having more playdates. This is Andrew, Eleanor's birthday buddy.

Memorial Day - we went to my mom's for a bbq.

Will and Ethan made this super cute Captain America shield. I love this picture of my grandma.

Here's Eleanor (aka piggy) eating watermelon.

Love this pic.

HEr's Ethan at his last school program.

Here's Ethan after the program. He was still eating after all his classmates had left. Only my kid.

Gram and Pop Pop came to the program, too.

Mini molten lava cake I made for Will's last day of school.

Ethan and Derek at the LG pet parade.

BBQ at the Quinn's (neighbors) later that night. The kids have a blast together.

Great friends - Tamera and Catherine

Cookie making day!

Some of the fruits of our (my) labor.

Eleanor loves to push this stroller.

Another playdate with Andrew.

Ethan at my parent's for Malia's birthday.

My parent's backyard - so pretty.

Happy Birthday, Aunt Moe!

Matthew's birthday party (and Father's Day) at Lisa's house.

Right after we gave dad his present: a driving lesson experience at a race track. He was pretty pumped.

Brian and the boys.

Got this great pic of Will with the kids.

My dad with his girls.

Best pic we got with dad and his kids and grandkids.

Ethan had summer camp right before his birthday, so we brought a cake in. Here he is beforehand. What a good student he is - so attentive!

Annie and Lainey - my friend Annie's daughter. Love this pic we got.

We borrowed a jumpy from my friend for Ethan's birthday. Eleanor liked it. :)

My four year old!

Ethan's party was Spiderman themed. Will made a city scape and I added the web.

Opening his tent set - a big winner.

Check out excited Eleanor in the background.

Love Jakey's pj's.

Pop Pop read to Ethan, who was very hyper/overtired and hung on a loooong time before going to sleep. Then we took this funny picture.

Popsicles on the porch.

Will got his old skateboard from his parent's house.

We stayed in Winnetka a couple of weeks ago when Will and I went to see Maroon 5 at Ravinia. Worked out great - the kids had fun with Gram and Pop Pop and we had a great night out!

Spent the third of July with great friends - Sarah and Jason, Marty and Debbie, Annie and Luke, Susie and Kevin (the hosts), and Paul. Marty and Debbie live in Bloomington and were in town for a wedding. Luckily, we were all available to get together. It was a lot of fun to see everyone.

Love this kid's blue eyes!

My BFF - she's moving to Salt Lake with her family next month. Her husband will start a new job with the FBI. I look forward to an excuse to visit her but will miss having her around.

We had my sister's family over on the fourth for a bbq. The boys ate on a picnic blanket and when they were done, Eleanor went and finished what they hadn't. It was hilarious. Here, she's eating applesauce and a pickle.

Eleanor's favorite seat on our house - standing on the mini rocking chair. She loves to look out the window.

1 comment:

Susie O'Rourke said...

I love that Will got his craft on a few times. :)
Ethan's smiles in half of those pictures crack me up! Andrew has the same pj's that he's wearing in the sleeping pic with Pop-Pop.
You are way hot in the Memorial Day pics!

Thanks for posting all the pics...it saved you from getting yelled at for skipping all of June. xo