Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween weekend was so much fun! Saturday, we walked into town and butted in line for the LG Halloween walk. Basically, you can trick or treat at all the businesses. But we only lasted one block. It's SO crowded and a bit overwhelming, so we went to Trader Joes and headed home. Saturday night, my parents came to babysit so Will and I could to to Laura and Chris's Halloween party. It was a blast. I can't remember the last time Will and I went to a party with just adults. We get out often enough, but it's usually just for an hour or two for dinner. We had a great time, and I really enjoyed seeing some of Laura's friends who I had met at her shower, bachelorette party, wedding. Such fun women! Today, Ethan and I started the day with church (we sat with Derek and his dad), then carved pumpkins and went trick or treating a few blocks over, ending up at our good friends' house (Derek's parents) for appetizers and chili. Sad to see such a fun weekend come to an end. But now I look forward to the next big holiday - Thanksgiving!!!

On the way to the LG Halloween Walk.

You can't really see Eleanor's ballerina costume because she was so bundled up. It's a shame she's not more happy, right?

Ethan does not liked to be called Spiderman. If anyone called him Spiderman, he would respond, "No! I'm Ethan Spiderman Meuer!" He's having an identity crisis, apparently.
Carving the pumpkin.
Eleanor carved this one all on her own. She's veeeery talented.
The "crew." Erin, Eleanor, Ethan, Derek, Jason, and Megan.
Best pic we got of the two of them. This is the only time Ethan wore his mask.
Argh! Jason, one of Eleanor's boyfriends, the pirate.
One of our neighbor's, Jim, dressed as Batman, with his son, Jimmy, as Captain America.
Eating dinner at the Martinez's.
Eleanor was so good all night!

1 comment:

Susie O'Rourke said...

Looks like a spooktacular weekend!

Yes...I just said that.