Friday, September 24, 2010


(When you read the title above, please do so in the voice of a Latino soccer game announcer when he says GOAL.)

After an entire summer of potty training, I think we have finally accomplished our goal. Phew! Ethan has not worn a diaper in over 3 months, but we have had to change many a pair of underwear in that time. And mostly from poop. And we have had some really disgusting experiences! Luckily, Ethan took to peeing on the potty rather quickly, and has been potty trained at night/naps for a couple of months. But he seemed to have a block about poop. When Will went back to school, I finally got him to go on the potty, but he was still having accidents. Well, we have now had four days without an accident! And, in even bigger news, he has started going places other than at home. On Sunday, he came inside at my sister's house to tell me he had to poop. Then, on Monday at the grocery store, he went again! I was really surprised about that one. He seems to have finally gotten over the poop hump, as it were. The clincher will be when he goes at school for the first time. I don't think he has yet. But, he's always come out in the same clothes I drop him off in, so that's something. He has yet to have an accident at school. It is such a relief to feel like he's pretty well trained. He will surely have accidents here and there, but I don't worry about them anymore because he's gotten really good at letting me know he needs to use the potty. Our next step will be working on pulling his pants up and down by himself. He still needs quite a bit of help, but he's working on it.

Eleanor, while not potty trained yet, continues to wow us with her adorable little self. She's just so darn cute and happy. She sleeps like a champ, eats like a champ, and is an all-around awesome baby girl. She sits up without any help these days, which has been fun. She likes to sit and eat any toy around her. And she LOVES big brother. Even though he takes her toys and even bit her yesterday (big time out for Ethan), she still adores him. When he comes into the room, she just lights up. And he really does love her, too. My favorite thing is when Ethan and I put her down for her naps during the day. Ethan picks out a book, we read it to her, and then we both sing her "Baby Mine." Ethan sings along, and it's just about the most heart-melting scene you can imagine. Will got it on video the other day, though it's too long to post here. When we're done singing, I say, "Time for sleepies" and Ethan repeats it. It's too cute!

1 comment:

Susie O'Rourke said...

Dude---post some pictures. :)