Sunday, July 11, 2010

Potty Talk

A story to illustrate how Ethan is faring in the potty training department:

Thursday morning, Will took Ethan to this sports complex near us that sets up bounce houses periodically for kids. I met them there after Eleanor’s nap. There are three big “jumpies,” and Ethan was in the process of running across the Astroturf from one bouncy house to the next when Will noticed something fall from Ethan’s shorts. Suspecting the worse--and being right--he ran over and saw it: a turd in the turf. It seemed Ethan had pooped his pants and was leaving a trail behind him. Sort of like a perverted Hansel and Gretel, I guess. Will grabbed Ethan and went to change him in the bathroom. Afterwards, I kept seeing Will go in and out of one of the obstacle courses, and he kept looking back at me with a funny look on his face. I went over to see what was going on only to find out that Will had found Ethan’s little treasures inside one of the jumpies, as well. He was trying to find them all and clean them up. So, it seems we are the parents whose kid poops on the floor, or, in this case, the bounce house. Even worse. Needless to say, we got out of there pretty quickly.

Yes, like much of the US right now, we are in a regression. Will tells me I have the wrong word, but what does he know? I'm the English teacher, right?

Here are a few recent pics, mostly from our July 4th trip to the lake.

Our favorite park.

We call it the Farm Park, and not just because it's designed like a farm.
It's also adjacent to a little farm where you can look at the animals. I love this picture!
Ethan and Pop Pop on the pier, taken from the deck.
Fishing with real worms!
Pop Pop and Gram bought this adorable pink plane at an auction shortly after the girls were born. Pop Pop said he couldn't resist. It's a little bike.
Jake and Ethan helped decorate the deck.
Eleanor and Emily chatted at (or on) the kitchen table.
The three older girls made a German themed dinner in honor of Bill's retirement dinner. Laura found these goofy aprons to give to her parents, but she and Courtney wanted to try them on first.
This was right after Eleanor was snuggling with Uncle Hammond - it was so cute.
Our German cocktail hour down by the boat house.
Ethan loved the soft pretzels.
On the "fast boat."
Helping drive.
Jake's turn!
That IS fast.
Jakey watering the water.
Super cute! Skinny Emily loves to put her legs straight out while chubbster Eleanor always tries to eat her feet.

Fourth of July brunch on the deck.
Our "parade."
This is Eleanor relaxing with Mr. Monkey on the pontoon boat Bill and Betsy rented for the Fourth so we could all go out on the water at once.
Trying to stay in the shade.
All the fresh air wiped the girls out.

Playing lifeguard (or pervert) from the living room.

Crane-ish bird on the pier after a rain.
Poker anyone? This is shortly before I spilled my glass of red wine all over the LIGHT green carpeting. Thank goodness for club soda, which got it all out. I may be banned from this room for life.
Derek and Ethan "fixing" with tools and measuring tape.
Will and Ethan pose with their giant wooden block tower, complete with zip line to another tower.
This is exactly why Will insists on doing all the toy shopping - he wants to buy what he knows HE will like best.


Susie O'Rourke said...

That story is HILARIOUS. I am sure I'd feel differently if I were the one picking up after Ethan, though.

Loved all of the pictures!! :)

Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...

Where is that Farm park at? I'm always trying to find new playgrounds for my wild crew. So far both of my favorites are in Glen Ellyn... Lake Ellyn, and Village Green's "Rocket Park!"