Sunday, February 28, 2010

She's Here!

Eleanor Lorraine arrived very late on the night of February 24th. It was 11:59, a mere 19 minutes after arriving in labor and delivery. The short story (at least as short a story as I can tell) is that I came down with a touch of stomach flu around 10 pm. After vomitting, my body started contractions about 2 minutes apart. I decided I better call my midwife, even though I wondered if I was just sick. I was pretty miserable, as the contractions were coming so quickly, were really intense, and I had very little rest between. My midwife said I sounded pretty bad and better come in to the hospital; she would meet me there. I hung up with her and called my mom, who left right away to come here. Then, when I got off the phone with her, I called a neighbor/friend to see if they would come over to stay with Ethan until my mom arrived. I cannot even tell you how miserable I was feeling, and really scared, too, since I did not know why the contractions were so close together. They usually say to go to the hospital when your contractions are 5 minutes apart, but I was less than 2! We got in the car and headed to the hospital, which is not far away, but it took us a little longer since we were in the middle of a snow storm. Between a contraction, I called my mother-in-law to let her know we were coming to the hospital. The plan all along was to call her to come relieve my mom so that my mom could come to the hospital. Well, that wasn't going to happen with the snow. I told her not to worry about coming and even said I wasn't sure if I would be sent home (ha!).

On the way to the hospital, I really started feeling even worse because, besides the constant contractions, I was getting tingley everywhere, especially my hands, arms, and legs. Will pulled up to the ER entrance, and I got out and went in while he parked. They took me up to L & D in a wheel chair, with Will following close behind. All I kept asking for was some water or ice chips because my mouth was so dry. People kept saying they would get me some, but no one did. At the time, I was very annoyed but in too much pain to say much about it. (Later, my midwife told me they didn't want to give me anything because I had been throwing up, and they wanted to be sure I didn't have a fever, too. Also, they think the tingling was due to hyperventilation.) My midwife got up to L & D about a minute after us and we went to a room for her to examine me. I couldn't get control of my tingling/shaking, but I finally managed to get into a gown. When she checked me, at least 10 minutes after arriving, I was dilated to 5. Sitting in the bed, I was miserable because it really is the worst position to be in during contractions. Will was doing his best to be supportive, but, honestly, every time he touched me, I wanted to swat him a way. To my credit, though, I didn't, and let him feel like he was helping.

I asked repeatedly about an epidural because I knew that if I was going to have these extra strong contractions with little rest, I would need one. They said I would have to get hydrated first, which is when I got really scared because I knew this would take time and would delay the epidural. It was around this time that I started feeling like I was bearing down with little control. According to my midwife, I calmly said, "He's coming out. He's coming out." In my mind, I was yelling, "He's coming out!" She said to me, "Michelle, his head is very low. You're probably..." and then she looked and saw the head. I'm pretty sure she said, "Okay, I need some help here!" Then she asked me to push one more time, and all of a sudden there was a naked baby on my chest. She asked Will to announce what it was, which took a few seconds since the umbilical cord was in the way. Finally, he yelled out, "It's a girl!"

It was nuts. Just nuts. The pushing did not hurt at all that I remember and actually was a complete relief to me since it stopped the contractions. I could not believe that I had just gone from 5 to 10 dilated in so few minutes and that I had given birth naturally, as I always wanted to but didn't think I really had in me. (Believe me, I give myself very little credit since I practically sneezed Eleanor out, and many women do it naturally with far more effort.) I also couldn't believe I had a girl. I really was just so surprised. When I called my mom, Eleanor was still on me, screaming, and my mom had literally just gotten to our house to relieve my neighbor of watching Ethan. Later that night I said to Will, "You realize that if we had waited for mom, we would have had Eleanor at home or in an ambulance?" All night long, we kept saying to each other, "I can't believe how fast that was!"

It was the next day that my midwife told us it was only 19 minutes total from the time we arrived in L & D to the time we met our daughter. She also said that my white count was up enough to show that I definitely had some kind of infection. She thinks that vomiting made me produce prostaglandin, a hormone that induces labor. Basically, I threw myself into labor - fast! I don't recommend this method, but it did get me what I wanted: my baby!

And here she is...
This was probably an hour after I gave birth. Will didn't have our camera until then because he left everything in the car in the mad dash to get up there.
Shari, the best midwife in the world! I was so glad she got to deliver Ethan and Eleanor.
Our nice night nurse giving Eleanor her first bath. Will stayed for this whole process. He never lets our babies out of his sight. I, meanwhile, tried to sleep but was unsucessful.
In the warmer after bath.

Aunt Laura meets her neice for the first time.
Gram and Pop Pop came the next night, too.
Eleanor and her "catcher."
First family dinner.
Chillin' in the papasan chair.
Grandma Lorraine holds her namesake.
Proud Papa.


Luke said...

I love her! She's wonderful, and so are you! Congrats Bone and Will!!! Can't wait for our babes to BFF's! :)

Colleen said...

I can't believe it! That's an amazing story! Another one of my friends had her second daughter in 6 minutes from door to baby. She came in 4cm and said I think I need a room. They said no, let's wait and see and sure enough, in the time it took her to argue with them, the baby was coming! Congratulations on another safe & healthy delivery!

Sarah H said...

congratulations bud. She's so adorable!

Susie O'Rourke said...

Welcome Eleanor!
Thanks for posting about her birth--I love your amazing story. I'm very glad she didn't come a minute later. ;)

Love you FOUR!

Emma said...

And, now, thanks to that story and pics, I officially have AWS. (Achy Womb Syndrome)