Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Looking Forward

It seems to me that Ethan has been sick more than he's been well this winter. We've moved from cold to cold to Hand Foot Mouth Disease and back to cold. It's been rather frustrating, but I guess that's the price we pay for having other friends around and going places. Kids pass germs around so easily, it seems.

After the last post is when Ethan came down with HFM, which was brutal. He got a pretty high fever, was all around miserable, and then had these awful mouth blisters, making sleep very difficult. He was so sad whenever he was going to sleep because even though he was so tired, he was in a lot of pain. He would literally sleep cry and was all around pathetic. So sad.

After being healthy for about a week, he came down with yet another cold, which has hung on for a couple of weeks, turning into a pretty bad cough and causing a slight fever over the weekend, as well. All of his illnesses have been a big wake up call for Will and I about what life will be like soon when we throw a newborn into the mix. At first, I was downright terrified, but I'm kind of learning that I cannot possibly prepare for what it will be like, so I'm going to stop trying. I know that things are going to be very difficult for a while and there will be many-a-frustrating moments, but, really, I'm just so excited to meet this new little Meuer that I don't care right now.

Which brings me to the title of this post: looking forward. There are so many things I'm looking forward to, but high on the list is simply being done with this pregnancy. Don't get me wrong: I know I am completely blessed to have not only become pregnant easily but also to hang on to my pregnancy. And there are lot of things I like about being pregnant, such as the fun belly, the love you seem to get from everyone - especially strangers, and the excuse to eat whatever whenever without the weird looks. But, in general, I really don't feel well throughout my whole pregnancy. The beginning is certainly the worst, but there has not been one day since about 6 weeks that I've really felt normal. After every meal, I feel "icky" and just not myself. And now that I'm so large, I am just darn uncomfortable. Putting socks on is a major process, as is shaving my legs (I've recently started bringing a stool into the shower to put my foot on), sleeping, and all things bathroom related. Sneezing without needing to change my underwear would be nice, too. I'm just done.

Pair this with the fact that Ethan has been the tantrum king lately, and I am actually looking forward to the "break" that a hospital stay will bring. Sad, yes, but also true. I will miss Ethan a lot while I'm away, but I am actually excited about not having to deal with his disciplining for a couple of days. Is this terrible? Oh well. It's been a long winter.

Of course, what I'm most looking forward to is the moment when I meet little baby Meuer and Will announces "It's a ________!" My one midwife is adamant that the daddy gets to reveal the gender, which I think is great. I really have no idea and am just so curious right now. Will it be a brother or a sister for Ethan? Will he be beating up a little baby boy or girl? Who knows? But I can't wait to find out and hold and love and cuddle this new baby!


Susie O'Rourke said...

Can't wait to hold, love, and cuddle baby Meuer, as well!

Daddy Duck said...

Hold in there Michelle soon it will be over and another precious life will come into exisistence

Sarah H said...

I can't wait to find out as well. That's so great Will gets to announce it.