Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I realize it's a bit cold, but I've really been enjoying the fall weather around here lately. Mostly, I think I am thrilled because I have a lot of borrowed maternity clothes for winter, as well as my own. I did not have a lot short sleeved items, and I stain one every day, it seems, so it is good to have more options now. Plus, I just love brisk weather like this sometimes. But I am also very aware that soon it will be more than pleasantly brisk (this weekend even), and Ethan and I will be exiled inside for the duration. But, we're making the most of the not so brutal weather as much as we can.

The last couple of weeks, we've had quite a few fun outtings, including a trip to the Morton Arboretum with my grandma, lunch at Millenium Park with my friend Brent, and several trips to the library and around town. I also took a day trip myself, traveling to Augustana for the day with a great friend. It was a very fun trip, and I loved seeing the campus again. I made my college decision based on this campus, so needless to say I love it. Most every building smells exactly the same, and it was a comforting thing for me. I like thinking that the students there now will have similar memories of mine, visual and olfactory. Of course, we stopped at our favorite sandwich shop for the best sandwich in the world, and we rounded the trip off with ice cream from the famous ice cream shop.

I'm going to have to cut this post short, as some nagging nausea is getting the best of me. Time to go keep the couch company for a while. Enjoy the pics.

He he
Grandma and Ethan at the Arboretum

Running in one of the treehouses
Wading in the frog pond
Navigating the web
My amazing sandwich from Arthur's

View of Old Main from the side of Denkman language building
View of the walkway to the admissions office
Slough picture from the new bridge to the new dorm


Clock (and Kristin taking a picture of flowers by the clock)

Kristin and random cab like car outside of OlinView of the slough
Pretty bench set up by slough with new bridge in the background
Another campus view
Back view of Old Main
A look at the house I lived in senior year, a little worse for wear
Future Viking sporting his new shirt

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