Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Winter Blahs

We are really starting to hate winter over here, but rather than let it get me too down, I've kind of just decided to pretend like it's spring. Here are some pictures/videos to prove it.

Spring cleaning...
...without pants even, because who needs pants in warmer weather?


Little league, here we come!

Yellow, springlike cupcakes.

Okay, this has nothing to do with spring, but it's cute. Will and Ethan are watching Spiderman cartoons.

Another non-springy picture, but, again, cute.

Ethan was trying out his new potty chair.

Not bad for a 1 1/2 year old, I'd say.

Poor Ethan doesn't have a chance at not being a comic nerd.



Susie O'Rourke said...

I loved seeing all of the pictures and videos! Keep 'em coming!

Sarah H said...

I love those cupcakes and flowers! THat is very very springy. Can you bring some over here? I'm having a hard time trying to be positive and make spring. THough I was thinking I should do spring cleaning now and that way when the weather is nice I can actually get outside. But the problem is I really need that spring air to motivate me to clean.
Adorable pictures all around.

Daddy Duck said...

Nice arragement of cupcakes and flowers. Those cupcakes look good. BTW just when you thought it was safe to come out of the woods Dads Rant is back.