Thursday, October 30, 2008

On the Lighter Side

I'm taking this from my best friend's blog. All one word we go!

1. Where is you cell
2. Where is your significant other... school
3. Your hair color... contemplating
4. Your mother... help
5. Your father... goof
6. Your favorite thing... hugs
7. Your dream last night... Kazor!
8. Your dream goal... chef
9. Room you're in... office
10. Your hobby... blogging
11. Your fear... winter
12. Where do you want to be in 6
13. Where were you last night... couch
14. What you're not... rich
15. One of your wish-list items... boots
16. Where you grew up... Illinois
17. The last thing you ate...doritos
18. What are you wearing... casual
19. Your TV... off
20. Your pet... soon
21. Your computer... lifeline
22. Your mood... good
23. Missing someone... always
24. Your car... embarrassing
25. Something you"re not wearing...nailpolish
26. Favorite store... Trader Joe's
27. Your summer... travel
28. Love someone...lots
29. Your favorite color... green
30. Last time you laughed... today
31. Last time you cried... today


Michelle said...

FYI - I cried today while watching Babe's funeral on All My Children. Do not be concerned. I'm okay.

Susie O'Rourke said...

You're going to get a pet SOON? Hmmm...tell me more.

Sarah H said...

Yes, I was concerned about the crying. My crying was from thinking about jason dying.
So kazor, as in Doug Kazor?