Friday, January 25, 2008


Not much has been going on with us these days, which I guess we can consider a good thing. Ethan did have his second follow-up appointment with this orthotist yesterday. He gained another couple of milimeters from this front left to back right, which is where they would like to see growth. Will and I both (as well as family members) see a difference in the shape of his head already. I think the helmet is doing its job - and quickly. They had the adjust the inside because it was tightening on his flat side, which our orthotist said is a really great sign. Hopefully, he'll have it off before the weather is warm. I anticipate he'll have it off by May.

Other than that, we've been laying low, staying in the house on these frigid days. We do walk at the park district indoor track some days with a friend and her baby, but we can't wait for nicer weather so we can go for walks outside.

Ethan is babbling a ton lately (see video) and also sitting up on his own. He does fall over still, and that is when we are extra glad he has the helmet. It's multi-purpose, that's for sure. Also, we are just waiting for Ethan's first teeth to come through. They seem so close and I keep thinking it will happen any second. All the signs are there...just nothing definite.

I have been back to LT a couple of times to talk to the powers that be about my job next year. Yesterday, I met our new HR director and told him I would like to return part-time. He said I definitely took him off guard, though I'm not sure why. He doesn't know me. He was very very nice, though, and he said he will let me know if this is a possibility as soon as he can. He did not want to give any indication, good or bad, of how he thought it would go. Basically, he does not know any of the history as far as people going part-time and needs to talk it over with those who have been around. And, ultimately, it's the Board of Ed's decision, I guess. I think it probably helps me that Will works there, too, and that he has a good relationship with many board members. The Board president is running for Congress in our district, so if he wants our votes, he better help accommodate me. :) Seriously, I'm not sure what I will do if they tell me I can't go part-time. I hope not to have to decide. I know for a fact that I do not want to work full-time. Keep your fingers crossed.

The video here is of one of the E-man's recent baths. (It's suitable for all audiences, don't worry.) I don't know why Will was whistling the Brady Bunch theme...I ask, but I don't think he answers. (Oh, and if you want to watch the video without the music, hit the little pause button-two parallel lines-twice until the music stops.)


Luke said...

I'm crossing my fingers... I am sure it will all work out for you. CUTE video!!! So relaxing!

Emma said...

This weather is killing me. It's so much more fun being home when you can get out and about. I hope we can hang out soon--dang nap schedules!!

Susie O'Rourke said...

Cute video. Maybe Will was thinking about how he wants six kids like the Brady Bunch.

Sarah H said...

Wow, Ethan is so cute!
I hate the weather too! And though it was nicer to have warm weather today, the rain stank! (Or is it stunk, Mrs. Meuer?)