Monday, December 3, 2007

Rashes and Rolling Over

If you've been following the life of Ethan on the blog, you know that he rolled over for the first time about a month ago. Well, he hadn't done it since. That is, until yesterday. I was practicing with him by tucking his arm under and he was doing it. Then, I put him on his stomach with both arms totally free and then left the room for a second. When I came back, he was on his back playing. What a little stinker! He did the same thing this morning. He seems to have gotten the hang of it at last.

The other new thing in Ethan's life is the rash that just won't end. It appeared last weekend, and we took him to the pediatrician Monday. She said it was something viral going through him, manifesting itself as a rash. She also said it might get worse before it got better. Well, it seemed to be going away already the next day but on Thursday, it flared up and got a lot worse. It almost looked like hives everywhere but without raised bumps. On Saturday, his back and the back of his head were covered! So I took him back to the doctor. She said he's still fine. He was happy as ever, eating her stethoscope and clearly not bothered by the rash. (see video) Yesterday and today, the rash has migrated to his front, attacking his face and belly. Still, he seems completely fine otherwise. He does have a mild fever and had a little one yesterday but it's very low. I imagine it's just the virus working its way out. Stay tuned...


LetsGoThrow said...

Well, he's still cute as ever, but it does seems to confirm my long held theory. Babies are confusing.

Susie O'Rourke said...

Oh Ethan! Get better soon little man.

T. Fear said...

Poor little tiny! :( I'm glad he isn't affected by it...
Katy and I agreed that he is DEFINITELY ready for a bath! :)

Sarah H said...

Wow, I'm sorry i haven't been on your blog in a while. now I'm playing catch up. I just dont blog as much as I would like.
that is a nasty rash. Assuming he's over it because I haven't heard anything else
Ethan is so cute in that video! So smiley!!! Love it!!!