Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 3

Another nice day in Hilton Head.  Will went for a sticky run in the morning, but not to the beach.  I think he stuck of the shady paths.  The kids and I ate breakfast and played before we decided to hit the beach earlier today.  We got there around 10 and set up shop.  The kids played for a while in the water before deciding to build a "hot tub." They worked very hard, and it  was great, until the tide came in and destroyed it.  Undeterred, they simply moved their construction project back a bit.  I wows pretty hot, but as long as you cool off in the water every so often, it feels pretty good.  The hard part is trying to reapply sunblock to wet, sandy kids.  Luckily, we have not had any sunburn issues as we are all diligent about sunblock.

About 2, we finally got the kids off the beach and home for some lunch.  After lunch, I had Ethan lay down in his bed for some mandatory rest time.  He has been sleeping past 6, we think, but we knew it would be a later night.  He was asleep within a few minutes despite the fact that he "wasn't tired." Eleanor rested by reading books on the couch.  I'm pretty sure a few of Lisa's kids fell asleep, too.  I showered and then woke Ethan up after 20 minutes.  He did some reading and writing before playing with his cousins for a bit.

The adults were debating what to do about dinner out because some storms were rolling in.  The plan had been to eat outside in Harbour Town and then watch the Greg Russell show, but It looked like rain.  We decided to go to the Mellow Mushroom,  a pizza/sandwich place we had heard was fun.  It was a neat place.  And it was good we went indoors because it did start pouring.  Will entertained the kids with magic during dinner, which was a big hit.  They could not understand how he got his thumb off and how he got the knife to float!

After dinner, we hit a grocery and picked up some ice cream sandwiches for dessert.  Everyone came back to our place to hang out for a bit.  Bedtime was rough and the kids weren't really asleep until almost 10.  Then Will and I did what we do when we have cable...we got sucked into HGTV shows.  We  stayed up a bit too late to find out of an annoying couple was going to "Love it or Leave it." :)

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