Wednesday, August 21, 2013

On the Eve of First Grade

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My “not so” little Ethan,

I just came downstairs after snuggling in your bed for a bit until you fell asleep.  You are especially squirrely tonight, as you are incredibly excited to start first grade tomorrow morning.  For the past few mornings, you’ve woke me up to ask, “Is today the day I go to first grade?”  I cannot even begin to tell you how much this adorable enthusiasm warms my heart.  You are legitimately thrilled to be starting first grade.

And I am legitimately thrilled, too.  It will be an adjustment for us all to have you gone all day, every day, but I am anticipating big hugs when you get out of school and lots of stories about what new things you are learning.  You LOVE learning new things, so first grade – with science and math and history and reading – will nourish your brain with so much new information.  Selfishly, too, I’m excited for you to have more homework so that I can walk you through it, satisfying this teacher’s love of helping students come to new understandings.  

You had a wonderful year in Kindergarten, surrounded by close friends and a teacher with whom you were more than a little in love. I think, now, you are ready for more of a challenge, and Daddy has made sure you will be more than ready academically, keeping up with your math website and your daily reading/writing.  It has been so much fun to watch you learn to read and put letters together to spell out what you want.  Today, when you couldn’t get on the  computer, you sent Eleanor upstairs with a note that read, “I cant get pebscis.”  I knew right away that it said, “I can’t get PBS kids” because I knew you were trying to get to that website.  Your inventive spelling is getting more and more accurate, and it will only get better this year. 
What stands out to me the most with you this year is the friendship you have forged with Eleanor.  Last year, it was in the budding stages, but you two are now full-fledged playmates.  In fact, through most of your Kindergarten year, I didn’t feel the need to make a lot of play dates for you because you and Eleanor played so well together.  You will not always get along so well together, as your interests start to diverge, so I want to get the most out of these years.  Watching, and listening, to you two play Legos, Batman and Robin, Star Wars, et cetera, is typically the highlight of my day.

Also, one beautiful thing I’ve noticed about you, Ethan, is what a great teacher you are with Eleanor.  I cannot tell you how often I catch you patiently explaining some new concept to Eleanor.  I see a lot of other kids get frustrated with younger siblings who don’t know as much as they do, but you seem to relish teaching her.  You even teach me more patience with Eleanor.  The other day, I was frustrated with Eleanor and I scolded her using a bigger word (can’t remember what).  You called out from the other room, “Mom, it’s because she doesn’t know what _______ means.  You should say ________ instead.”  Getting schooled by your son is not always good, but I had to chuckle at his pretty adult observation.  

I love you so very, very much, Ethan.  You will do great things in first grade and beyond.  I will miss you, as will Eleanor.  Three o’clock will be a fun time of day, reuniting with you!  Wishing you a year filled with kindness, wonder, and knowledge.  


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