Thursday, June 27, 2013


Day 3

Left Cleveland, after multiple hug sessions, around 9:30.  We will be back through on our way home, thankfully.  What great hosts we had! Ethan asked as we pulled away, "are we going to be staying in that hotel on our way home from Maine?" Yes, yes we are, whether they like it or not...though we are fairly sure they like it.  :) 

10:40 We crossed into PA! Just passing through the northwest corner of the state before hitting New York.  Plan to wave to Erie in honor my my good friend Emma's hometown.  

11:20 New York! Very pretty drive so far.  Hilly, lots of vineyards. 

Stopped at a cool travel stop near buffalo for a potty break and lunch.  Covered walkway over the road to get to everything.  Will taught Ethan how to get truckers to honk their horns.  Great.  Unfortunately, there was no picnic area for our lunch so we are driving a bit further to try and find a good picnic stop. 

Lunch in a dilapidated park...Eleanor pooped on her portable potty twice, likely to the delight of the summer campers there.  Not to the delight of Will, who is responsible for the disposal/clean up.  We definitely are glad we brought that thing, though.  

We arrived at our hotel right around 4 o'clock and went swimming at the pool.  Ethan "chillaxed" a bit in the hot tub, and then we got dressed to head to Ethan's Embassy Suites birthday party.  They have a nighty reception in the atrium with free drinks and hors devours, so the kids and I went to that for a bit while daddy showered.  They feasted on cheese, crackers, pickles, and kiddy cocktails.  

Then we took restaurant recommendations from a nicotine addicted waitress and headed out with directions to this presumably close restaurant.  45 minutes and one wrong turn later, we arrived at Friendly's.  Friendly, yes, but not the best food.  Fine for kids, I guess, and your typical greasy fare.  Ethan, who downed his chocolate milk in 10 seconds, didn't even want the sliders he ordered, and ate the apples that came with the meal instead.  We even headed out before the kids got their ice cream that came with their meal.  We will try to find a nicer place tonight that will bring him some cake. Not that he really cared.  Between Marj and Carolyn's and his kids birthday party, he's been celebrated enough.  Plus, we brought some presents into the restaurant with us, so he was happy.  

By the time we got back to the hotel, it was well past bedtime.  Eleanor hung on until 9:45 before finally giving in.  I had plans to work out in the fitness center after they were in bed.  But after dozing in bed while I waited for Eleanor to stop telling stories and drift off to dreamland, that was definitely not happening.  It was bedtime for us all...

Haiku of the day:
Birthday in the car
Chillaxing in the hot tub
Lost in Syracuse

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