Here's Eleanor doing her dance. She does this bounce whenever music comes on, when one of us walks in the room, or just when she's excited.
Here's Ethan, er, I mean Spiderman. He's been obsessed with his costume lately. And I have to follow him around, wearing a cape and mimicking his every move. He's very quick to correct me if I'm not quite webbing correctly. Fun stuff. Can't wait for doll houses!
I took Ethan sledding today with my friend Catherine and her son, Derek. We had a blast.
Here's Eleanor before her first swimming lesson. I realized that she's 11 months old today. One more month 'til she's one!
Ethan cracks me up in lessons. He is so hyper that I'm not sure how Miss Lauren keeps up. She's so patient with him and genuinely seems to like him a lot.
I love how he just jumps in and goes immediately. And he always tries to jump to the side - he doesn't want anyone to catch him.
Eleanor was having a great time.
She was so great floating on her back. Most kids hate this.
One more for good measure.
Ethan is a total fish! You might have a competitive swimmer on your hands! So, you have Eleanor in swim lessons? How young do they start at your pool?
Nice videos. Hi to Marisol in the background on some of them. :)
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