Eleanor had her nine month appointment last week, and it was confirmed that she's a bit of a peanut. She was in the 10th percentile for everything. Here are the stats:
Height - 26 1/4 inches
Weight - 16lbs 3.5 oz
Head size - can't remember -it's written down upstairs but it was bigger than the last one, which is all that's important.
Even though she's a bit small, the doctor is not concerned. She eats well, sleeps well, and is clearly thriving. It's strange to think of her as small since she definitely has some rolls going. I think it's a combo of her being shorter and having a tiny head. That brings her weight down, I guess. Funny - I looked up Ethan's weights and he had already surpassed Eleanor's current weight when he was six months old. At six months, he was 16 lbs 6 oz. At nine, he was in the 19's, I think.
Lately, Eleanor has really been moving a lot. She's officially crawling - backwards. She hasn't quite mastered forward crawling, but she gets around nonetheless. She'll be on her butt and scoot around and then flop over and crawl backwards to whatever she wants. It's pretty funny. She's also getting stronger about pulling herself up, as evidenced in a video below.
I've started to feed her a lot more "people food," if you will. Tonight, she had what the rest of us were having: chicken soup. I just cut up her carrots a lot smaller. She LOVED it. She has no problem with chewing, despite her lack of teeth. Today, she ate an entire blueberry waffle. I just cut it into small bites and gave her a little at a time on her tray. Within a few minutes, she'd eaten the whole thing. I wish I would have done this with Ethan - I could have saved a lot on jarred baby food!
We had a very long family dance party tonight. Here are some samples of the fun:
Yes, Will knows these videos were being posted. He wasn't in love with the idea, but he also didn't stop me, which means he totally wanted me to post them! :) I think they're great.
Aw--Eleanor loves dancing with her daddy!
Will's moves are rockin'...maybe you need to take a family trip to Exit?
Where's the video of YOU dancing??
The dancing never gets old! Your two munchkins are so sweet.
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