Monday, September 13, 2010

School's in Session!

Today was Ethan's second day of school, and I'm very encouraged. I'll start with his first day. It did not go quite as planned. I took him into his room, only to find that I was the ONLY mother (or caretaker) who came in with their child. All the other moms either dropped them at the door or in the car line. I was a bit surprised, and a bit embarrassed, but Ethan's teachers kept saying that I was welcome to stay as long as I wanted, even the whole time. I stayed probably close to an hour, through free play, circle time, hand washing, and the beginning of snack. At that point, the director popped her head in and came to talk to me. She asked if I wanted to try to leave, to which I replied, "Of course I'd like to, but I know that he will scream bloody murder." She took us both out to the middle and talked to Ethan about taking home a fun lacing game. She asked if he'd like me to put it in the car so he could take it home, and he nodded his head. I told him I'd see him in a little bit and headed for the door. He started crying and the director picked him up and carried him into the classroom while I ducked around a corner. I stuck around for a few minutes and spoke to one of the other teachers, the one who I am told is fantastic (she teaches the 4 year olds now), and she kept me distracted for a bit and then went to check on Ethan. Within a few minutes, he was not crying and was sitting on the teacher's lap, reading a book. So I left. When I went to pick him up, he was happy as can be and looked anything but traumatized. He told me about what he had done and showed me his art project of the day. He said he played with some new kids and seemed to like it. When I asked if he'd like to go back, he said yes.

Today, Will wanted me to go into the building today and then maybe try dropping him off in the car line on Wednesday. But I decided to drop him off in the car line for a few reasons. First of all, I really thought it would be best. I know that my going into the room only makes it harder for Ethan. If I go in, he wants me to stay - period. He will love having me in the classroom and so going in and then leaving will just make it harder and, really, seems more cruel since it gets his hopes up that I get to stay with him. Logistically, it's not easy, either, because I had Eleanor with me today. She was up early and I really had to stretch her to get her to stay awake past drop off as it was. And I knew that if I went in to the school with him, he would physically attach himself to me, while I held on to Eleanor, and it would be very difficult (physically, as well as emotionally) to get him to separate from me. So I pulled up and opened his door. It was an older woman who was there to get him out, and Ethan screamed at her, to which she replied, "Well, okay then." :) So I got out of the van and came around to unhook him. He went to the other side of the van, so I gently pulled him out, picked him up, and placed him on the ground. I told him I loved him, that I would be back soon, and goodbye. Another woman carried him in. Two and a half hours later, I went to pick him up. His teacher brought a beaming Ethan out and told me he had an "awesome" day. She said he was fantastic. I was a bit surprised, honestly, and asked how long he had cried. She said maybe 2 or 3 minutes, if that. And she said that he noticed that his friend Marissa was a little sad and told her (his teacher) that he wanted to go cheer her up. So adorable! Ms. Freebeck, his teacher, also told me that he went potty while there and ate all of his snack.

I feel like I did the right thing in dropping him off outside, no doubt. I'm reminded of what my mom has told me often. She would have kids in her preschool every year that would cry and cry and cry when their parents dropped them off. As soon as the door would shut, though, they turned off their tears and went to play. I know that Ethan really is sad to be leaving me, but I also know he will get over it a lot faster if he learns that I drop him off, he gets to have fun, and then I pick him up. Prolonging our goodbye just sends mixed signals and makes for more crying in the long run.

Speaking of long runs, I ran my half marathon yesterday! Besides the logistical challenges to doing the race (leaving Eleanor early in the AM, leaving both kids with Will!, driving issues, etc.), it was a great time. I felt really good, and got my goal of under 2 hours. My official time was 1:52:37, and I was in the top 10 percent of women in my age group, women in general, and the race in general. I feel pretty good about my performance. I am not sure I want to do these all the time, but I could see myself training for another one sometime. I sort of feel like I should do one soon so that I can just still be in shape for it. We'll see. I don't think I'm hooked. And I do not have any desire to do a marathon. My feet are pretty well damaged from this race, so I don't want to add any more mileage to my races. I'm pretty proud to have accomplished this goal, especially since I signed up for it when I was 7 months pregnant and not even near being able to start running again. I really stuck to my training, though, and I think it paid off. Check that one off the list!

Ethan the morning of his first day of preschool.
Outside before we left.

My "baby" boy is growing up!

Eleanor with one of her boyfriends (sorry, Andrew, she needs options), Jason.
We went to the LT football game Friday night with our friends. Derek and Ethan watched the marching band practice and ran around before we watched a tiny bit of the game.
Here are our great friends, the Scudders. They were leaving the game as we came in.
Eleanor and Mommy after the race. Will put on her "My Mommy Rocks" shirt.
Hail the victors - Laura and I post race.
This is the sign Will made for Ethan to hold up. Unfortunately, they never saw me in the race. There were just so many people, and, quite frankly, I was just going too fast. :)


Susie O'Rourke said...

You DO rock!! Congrats on a great race. So happy to read that preschool is off to a good start. Way to go Ethan!

Andrew said Jason better back off.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! That is really a super accomplishment!