Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Fairly often, people tell me that they love Ethan's little voice. I guess I take it for granted, hearing it daily, but enough people have said how cute it is that I have been trying to get him on video more often so that we can remember his voice later. These videos aren't the greatest for featuring his voice, but I will keep trying. Along with his voice, Ethan - like all kids - says some pretty goofy things. I wish I could remember every single one of his funny little Ethanisms, but there are just too many. In an effort to get a few written down, though, I am going to try to keep a log of his funny sayings or conversations and record them on the blog every so often. Here are a few of his latest goofyisms:

The other day, when I was helping him cut up his ham at Gram and Pop Pop's, he leaned over, grabbed my arm, and said, very earnestly, "Don't worry, Mama. It's all going to be okay. I'm right here. There's nothing to be afraid of." I really don't know what prompted this at all. I'm guessing he heard us saying things like this to him at night when he's scared about something or has had a nightmare. But it was so random in the middle of brunch.

Something he says often, when he wants something of mine and I tell him he has to wait until I'm done, is, "It's my turn, Mommy. Your turn is broken."

We saw three garbage trucks all in a row the other day. When he asked where they went I said that they had turned the other way. He shouted, "Oh, Mommy! They went east! We need to go east, too!" What was so funny was that they did, in fact, turn eastward. This he gets from our discussion of the train in downtown LG since it's always going either east or west.

Sometimes in the car, I will notice Ethan talking to himself, as I did the other day. I discreetly turned the radio down so as to hear him better. This is what I heard: "So Daddy said, 'Do you want to go in the aardvark house?' and I said, 'Oh, yes, I could go in there.' So we opened the door..." He was not speaking to me, but merely telling a story outloud.

We love our little oddball!

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