Monday, September 28, 2009

The Little Stuff

There are so many millions of moments that I wish I could permanently imprint in my memory when it comes to Ethan. And as much as I think, Oh, I will definitely remember this, I know that's just not true. One story runs into the next, along with the days, and before you know it, I have lost so many of the little things that make Ethan so cute. That was the major reason I started the blog. Lately, Ethan's cuteness factor has skyrocketed, mostly due to his increase in talking. Here are a few of my favorite stories from recent days.

*The other day, we were eating lunch, and I was on the phone with my friend, Susie (hi Sus!). Ethan got down from his chair, came over to me, and said, "I want to give you a kiss." Tickled, I said, "Sure," and leaned down so he could plant one on me. When he had done the deed, he said, "How about a hug?" So we hugged. Then he said, "How about another one?" It was one of the greatest hugs!

*In a similar story, we were eating at Subway the other day, and Ethan could not have been being a better behaved little boy, eating his sandwich and sitting nicely in his chair. All of a sudden, though, he started to climb up on the table toward me. I asked him what he was doing, and he responded, "I want to kiss the baby." :) "Okay, okay," I said, "but I'll come to you." So I had to stand up in the Subway, with all the other patrons around, and walk to Ethan so that he could kiss my belly.

*Recently, Ethan has taken to putting these pegs into their square foam holder and pretending like it's a birthday cake with candles. No one suggested this to him, and I think it's pretty creative. This afternoon, we were playing in the basement, he decided it was Clifford's birthday, so he brought the cake, and Clifford, into his fort with him (giant box will has fashioned into a pretty cool fort, complete with skylight), and sang Happy Birthday. He did it about 8 times before it was time to go upstairs for nap.

*Ethan knows what most farm animals say and has for some time. You know, the whole moo, baa, quack stuff. But when it comes to all other animals, they roar. According to Ethan, a giraffe says "Roar!" To be honest, I'm not sure what a giraffe does say, or if they say anything at all, so I'm not exactly sure how to correct him.

*One thing I really love, too, is how if I walk into a room, Ethan always says, "Oh, hi Mama." Or if I come home from being out, he'll hear me come in and say, "There she is!" Also, Ethan says, "Kay?" after about everything he says these days. As in, "I'll get some milk, Kay?" or "You read this book, Kay?" or "I throw this in the garbage, Kay?" There's something about his high pitched "Kay" that makes it hard to say no to. He's a sneaky one, my boy.


Susie O'Rourke said...

Melt my heart. I need to come over.

Emma said...

You are right about the days and stories running together. I need to be better about recording some of the sweet and funny things. Cute post.

Sarah H said...

He is sure a sweet cute boy. Hope to see you guys soon.