- sitting on the floor of your room in nothing but a t-shirt and diaper, morning bottle in your mouth with your head tipped back
- discovering the zinnias in the backyard for seemingly the first time and touching them gently, then not so gently (poor zinnias)
- spotting daddy when he came home from lunch and literally running down the driveway, arms outstretched, to give him a huge hug (This image, and a similar one from today, brought tears to my typically tearless eyes.)
- speaking your hilarious "digadigabagaga" language you have perfected and makes you sound like you're auditioning to be a minor alien character in a Star Wars movie
- picking up a weed and obediently throwing it in the bin, just like daddy taught you the day before, forcing me to wonder how long it will be before you know enough to not be entertained by child labor
- throwing your soccer ball to me, and by throwing I mean putting it behind your head and dropping it behind you
- vacuuming with me in the living room by grabbing the handle and helping me push
- running up to me and hugging my legs and burrowing your head into my pants before coming away with a great big smile up at me
- climbing into the car, unbeknownst to me or your dad, while I vacuumed it and standing on the seat with your hands on the steering wheel
- grabbing tomatoes from our garden, ripe or not, and the maniacal look of satisfaction brought on by your recent tomato-pilfering
And, finally...
- turning around in my lap during story time and putting your head on my shoulder in a melt-my-heart hug
Oh, Ethan, I love you more than a blog post could ever hope to capture, and these are just a few of the thousands of daily moments I treasure and will continue to treasure all year and in years to come.
And now, since pictures can sometimes speak louder than words, here are a few recent actual snapshots:
Ethan loves this car!
Ethan spots some tomatoes...
...and he's got them!
Love this! Thanks for walking over to school this afternoon. It was so great to see you and the E-man after a frustrating and unproductive day at school (darn power outage). It made me so happy to see him smiling about his fire truck and fruit snacks. I love that I get to be a part of your life.
What a fun post! He is so cute.
I had a wonderful time reading this entry, Michelle. Glad you are at peace with your decision.
So sweet!
Ethan looks so much like Will in that close up shot. It's amazing how he can look so much like will and so much like you.
Ethan is such a sweetie.
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