Friday, May 23, 2008

New Job

As of this morning, I have officially resigned from LT. Will and I made the decision early in the week, and I met with the HR guy just this morning and gave him my official letter. He was very nice, and not all that surprised, and did say that he will call if there is ever a small overhang (1 or 2 classes) they want to fill. I also spoke to my old division chair (now director of curriculum), current division chair (though not for long...), and my assistant division chair. All were supportive and kind. It is definitely bittersweet to be leaving. Some of my closest friends work at LT, but even just being there today solidified that we made a strong decision. I know I will not regret it, even with a major drop of income. The reality is that I would not be taking home all that much money after taxes and daycare expenses. That was actually what made Will decide I should stay home. When he did the math, he said it would just not be worth all the time I would put in to teaching 3 classes with 2 new preps. He'd rather have me spend that time with Ethan. I am SUPER proud of Will for having the faith that we will be okay and knowing that it is what is best for our family. All along, he has wanted me to stay home, but he's a worrier by nature so it was a difficult decision for him to come to. I can already see, though, that he knows it is right. Give him a hug when you see him.

I haven't wasted any time, though, and I actually applied for a part-time, work from home job last night. The official position is Writing and Communications Specialist, and I would be working for a non-profit organization called Healthy Schools Campaign. Here is the background information and position as stated on their website:

Background: The Healthy Schools Campaign, a vibrant and growing not for profit organization dedicated to making schools healthier places in which to learn and work, is an increasingly powerful voice for people who care about our environment, our children, and education. Since its inception, the Healthy Schools Campaign (HSC) has become a leader in addressing issues of environmental health and wellness, particularly in connection to the growing crises of childhood obesity and asthma. HSC believes that all stakeholders—including teachers, students, parents, administrators and school nurses—must have a voice in decisions that affect the school environment. HSC’s ability to effectively articulate its mission, vision and program activities is crucial to the advancement of the organization’s policy platform and its success in engaging a broad base of individuals in these efforts. In addition, HSC must regularly report to the foundations, corporations and government agencies that support the organization’s work.

Position: The Healthy Schools Campaign is seeking a part-time Writer & Communications Specialist to work approximately 10 hours per week to support the organization’s development and external communications efforts. The individual will research, write and edit grant proposals, reports, electronic newsletters, web content and other materials for audiences including foundations, government agencies, corporations, community advocates, parents and individuals working in schools. This individual must be a strong communicator who is able to write in a variety of styles for different audiences.

When I came across this job, I thought it was perfect! I would be writing, working in the field of education, and working toward goals that are so completely in sync with my "green" lifestyle. I'm trying not to get my hopes up because I have no idea who they are looking for to fill this position. While I think that my training as a teacher makes me pretty qualified, I don't know if they're looking for someone with more experience in a strictly writing/editing position. Keep your fingers crossed. It would be nice to be able to still work, even indirectly, in education while still being home with Ethan. Plus, the extra income would come in handy!

Meanwhile, Ethan continues to wow us with his fun antics. He really is such a fun, happy kid. The nicer weather has been great, and we spend a lot of time outside. Really, he's happiest out on a blanket in the backyard with some toys and his big car on the sideline. Here are some recent pictures:

Here he is getting ready for a bike ride. We bought this trailer and I ride him around the park.
He's saying "With gas prices this high, I think I'll just crawl!"
Beep Beep
I love these big smiles!
He decided he'd had enough...
...and he was getting out...
"SO BIG!" His new favorite game. He does it without prompting now.
Here we are at a play date at Ethan's girlfriend's house.
Ethan's putting the moves on Emmy, holding her hand. "Come here often?"


Susie O'Rourke said...

I'm so happy for you!

Emma said...

Bittersweet, yes, but soon the bitterness will be gone and you'll just have the sweetness of the time with E! Plus, you are in my faves, so we'll stay in touch!

Sarah H said...

It sounds like you are happy with your decision, and I'm happy for you too!