Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We have two videos from today. The first is of Ethan pulling himself up from a sitting position into a standing position by using his exersaucer. We often let him play on the outside of it, and today, while both Will and I were watching, he grabbed on to the side and just stood up. He's pretty strong. The second video is footage of him doing his absolute favorite thing: putting the balls back into his ball popper toy. He will do it all day. I just dump the balls out and he puts them all back, one by one. He clearly likes things tidy and I hope this habit stays with him! Unfortunately, later today Ethan stuffed a different round toy into his ball popper, and it is now stuck. I'm going to have to get it out or he will not be happy!

By the way, I'm not sure I've mentioned that Ethan has another tooth now. It arrived Saturday and is helping him to bite my fingers even harder. Super.


Luke said...

Way to go Ethan! I am impressed with his arm (or is it his leg) strength! Such fun milestones. :P

Susie O'Rourke said...

He's my kind of man! Way to clean up, Ethan.