Sunday, February 3, 2008

Go Giants...I guess

I don't have a lot of time to write, but I thought I'd post a few pictures from the last week or so:

Here is Ethan in his doggy towel after a bath. He looked too adorable!
Friends of ours sent this great "Hot Tomato" onesie. We think it's hilarious!
Here is Will posing with his homemade calzone. I got the recipe from the Feed Your Family blog I found through a friend. The dough is super easy and it was fun to roll it out and stuff them.
This one is filled with ricotta w/spinach, tomato sauce, mushrooms, and mozzarella. They were tasty! There's a link to the Feed Your Family blog on the right if you'd like the recipe.
Here is Ethan today, Superbowl Sunday. While we really have very little preference concerning who wins, we decided we'd go for the underdogs: New York. And, we found yet another convenient use for Ethan's helmet.

OK, now the following video is somewhat lengthy. Unless you're a grandparent, or a big Ethan fan, you may not find it all that entertaining. I was trying to capture his Pilates Happy Dance, as I call it, a move where he not only flails his legs (he is constantly moving his legs, but he seems to balance on his core muscles and pump his arms, too. It looks exactly like a move from my MTV Pilates video. I do it some mornings while he plays, so he must have picked it up. You may also notice how Ethan is anywhere BUT his blanket. Now that he rolls, we cannot keep him contained. He goes wherever he shouldn't.


Sarah H said...

Mmmm, those calzones look good. Maybe I'll give them a whirl.

Emma said...

Great pics!!

Susie O'Rourke said...

I think I would like to bring Ethan to my pilates class next Saturday so he can show everyone how it is done. He is better at it than I am!