Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Why I Hate to do Laundry (and other sad musings)

It's not the sorting. It's not the folding. And it's not the fact that it occurs almost daily. I realize that the reason I hate doing laundry is because it makes me feel lazy and soft around the edges. What? Huh? But how can this be, you ask? You see, doing laundry in my house requires me to hang up many workout clothes that are unable to go into the dryer. Often, there are so many nondryable clothes that almost the entire load is hung up and very little even makes it into our dryer. So what's the big deal? The big deal is that, inevitably, ninety percent of the hang-to-dry clothes are Will's. Every time I do the laundry, there are at least three pairs of his bike shorts, long spandex for running outside, fleeces, dry-wick tops, etc., etc., etc. Maybe there are one or two workout-type clothes items for me. But, often, since I'm the one doing laundry, I know that they're only being washed because they were spit up on, not because I was actually working out in them. Connecting the dots, you see that Will is the one working out all the time and I, well, I am, apparently, doing laundry instead. If only laundry was considered exercise!

Another sad thing is the prospect of returning to work next year. Up until last week, I had given the idea very little thought, preferring instead to focus on my present enamored state with Ethan. But, having gone to school and put in my official requests for next year, I have moved something that seemed to be in the distant future up a few pages in my thought calendar. Today, while rolling on the floor with the E-man, I had this epiphany-like moment where I thought, I LOVE being home. Some days I know I take it for granted. I get frustrated or complain about mundane difficulties. But, really, I am so very lucky to be home this year. And Ethan is so so so so so fantastic. He's really just so adorably cute and cuddly and can do so much now. He's in such a fun stage. The kid does not cry (during the day at least) and seems to be so content exploring everything - and I mean everything - around him. He brings Will and I so much joy. (Case in point: Lately, he is obsessed with feet and if you dangle one near him he will go for it bring it to his mouth with both hands like a stinky hamburger.) I know going back part time next year will be ok and that it is what is right for our family right now, but I can't help but feel a bit mournful of the time I will miss out on next year. Our mornings now are so leisurely, and we both stay in our pjs far longer than I'd like to admit. Next fall, I will have to be up and dressed early and rush through breakfast and everything to get Ethan to wherever he will be going (another source of anxiety - the looming question of daycare) and to get to school myself. I'm spoiled. And I like it. Argh. Yes, I'll get used to my new, teacher + kid life next year, but that doesn't mean I have to love the idea right now, right?


Emma said...

Waiting for the calzone post....

Sarah H said...

I hate folding laundry.
I love being at home. I would hate rushing around in the morning. I did it yesterday for work. I'm spoiled too being able to usually have my leisurly morning.
You'll do great with part-time or whatever ends up happening.

Luke said...

I hear ya on the laundry. It never ends at our place. With two people who work out at least 5 days a week, we need to do a load once or maybe twice a week. I love checking it off my "to do" list but I know it will be back on the list again the following week! So frustrating.

Susie O'Rourke said...

I'll be your nanny... I'm pretty expensive, though.
Even if you are upset about the fact that you're not working out as much as you'd like, take comfort in the fact that you LOOK amazing!