Monday, October 29, 2007

4 Month Check Up

Ethan is growing up! We had his four month check up today. He's a perfectly happy and healthy little man. (16lbs 6 oz and 26.5 in) OK, so he was not so happy when he had his shots today, nor was he happy a half hour ago when I put him to bed (a bit clingy to mommy tonight after his trauma this afternoon), but, in general, he's happy. Both mom and dad did better this time around with his shots, though dad admittedly didn't really watch. Ethan really started screeching after the shots and didn't calm down right away. When we walked out of the exam room, there was a little girl about to go in a room, and she looked up at us with utter horror on her face. She must have heard Ethan screaming and thought, what on earth are they doing in there?! Her face was classic. Too bad it wasn't Halloween today. It would have been even funnier if the nurse giving the shots was dressed in a devil costume when she walked out in front of us. Alas...

In other news, Ethan met his new cousin Jake yesterday. We drove out to see Uncle Hammond, Aunt Courtney, and cousin Jake. The pictures are of their first meeting. Jake is SO SO cute with all his dark hair, and his mom and dad are doing so well. I know for a fact I was not as calm as the two of them seem to be after only one week. I can't believe how teeny tiny Jake is, and it's a bit sad to think that Ethan was that small not so long ago and now he seems so big! Where did my little baby go? In the picture, Ethan looks like Godzilla about to pick up Jake and have him as a snack.
We also went to see Aunt Lisa, Uncle Brian, Ben, and Drew yesterday. They love their "Baby Eefen!" Drew loves to hold him, but he's got a bit of a cough and had to stay away. He did get to tickle his feet, though, which he likes to do. I love how interested both Ben and Drew are in the baby, asking so many questions. "What's baby Eefen doing?" "Why is baby Eefen crying?" "Why does baby Eefen have to eat now?" "Can baby Eefen have chicken?" Can't wait until Eefen is in the question phase!


Susie O'Rourke said...

Tell Ethan I'm proud of his bravery today at the doctor. Will...not so much. :) Just kidding.
Hey--I miss you. Do you miss me? I will call you tomorrow.

Daddy Duck said...

It never gets easier watching one of your children in pain or being worked on. I can tell you from experience I watched the Doctors stick needles and poke at you many times. When I saw later in your bl,og the word Eefen I thought it was a typo but I figured you could possibly make that many mistakes.

Sarah H said...

Cute pictures! I esp. love the second one of Ethan. It is amazing how fast babies grow!
I still hate giving shots to babies, and I've been working a year. It still shakes me up a bit. (though I try really hard not to show it).
Hope Ethan is all better soon.

T. Fear said...

So cute!! I do not look forward to having the kids get shots--my niece is 4 now and can talk about how she hates sister has to keep her away when the younger ones get them because she'll cry just as loud as them!