Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And there went May...

April, with all its rain, dragged. May, in constrast, was gone in seconds. With significantly nicer weather to enjoy, we have been busy having fun, fun, fun around here. Here's the family update:

Will: He's currently in his last week of school. Next week is finals, and then he's done until August. Hooray. He's busy now, but I keep telling him: one more week. One more week until he can mess up the house full time, ignore all the organizational projects I have for him, and attempt to cover all surfaces of our home with Tribunes and Times. Just kidding...well, not really, but we're still excited to have him around full time.

Me: I had my first session of Structural Integration (rolfing) early in the month. It was...different, to say the least. The guy doing it is a little too into the emotional component he feels is behind my pain, but all the physical stuff he's doing (and will do in subsequent sessions) makes a lot of sense. I'm not cured after one session, but I could see how it will help me feel better. I really hope it works! The good news is my mood has been improved by the nice weather we've been having. Lots of picnics and walking to pick up Ethan from school. It's been fabulous.

Ethan: The kid really is a trip. He is constantly talking to himself, making submarines (or cars) out of our treadmill, painting his house with water, pretending to camp out under a blanket, making forts, and torturing his sister. He does really well at school, and his teacher recently told me that there are a few boys who fight over who gets to sit with him at snack time. Too funny. Yesterday, he wore some Adidas running shoes we got as hand-me-downs. He was SO excited about them that he wanted to go outside immediately to run. Then he said to me, "I'm never walking again." When he fell and scraped his knees later on, he changed his mind. He's done with school June 10th and then starts summer camp on the 13th. Not much of a break, but I know he's going to love his camp because his best bud is in it with him. He asks every day, "Is today the day Derek comes to school with me?" He can't wait.

Eleanor: She had a major milestone in May - her first steps. On May 4th, my grandma's birthday, she finally took a couple of steps. Since then, she's been gaining confidence and has built up to around 10 steps or so. Hopefully, within a few weeks, she'll be walking full time. She's ruining her pants and shoes by crawling around on the sidewalk and driveway. And, with the weather nice, we're at parks all the time, and woodchips and crawling don't mesh well. Friday, she has her 15 month appointment, and I'm looking forward to seeing how she's grown. I think she's had a growth spurt and might not be such a peanut anymore. We'll see. She's not talking too much, but she says "Uh oh" about 50 times a day and will say "woof" every time she sees a dog. She can also say "mama," "dadda," and "Hi." She's a great eater, like her brother, and her favorite things include avocados, any fruit, and hot dogs. The girl can take down a hot dog. In the past month or so, she's also developed an attitude. You do not want to take her away from something if she's having fun - that's for sure. The other day, when she let out a big scream during dinner when I took something away from her, I said to Will, "I'm seeing the future here, and I'm scared."

A rare moment of the kids playing well together.

Ethan playing the "piano." He LOVES to sing. Another nice play moment. Cousins Ethan and Jake playing together on Mother's Day.Love this pic of cousins Emme and Eleanor. Tried to get a pic of me with both my kids on Mother's Day, but Ethan couldn't be bothered. My climber.My cutie.

Took the kids to the Morton Arboretum last week - great day!

She even took some steps in the woodchips.

Ethan loves the pumps.

I love that Ethan is all of a sudden ham for the camera.


His favorite is the rope bridge section.

Ethan with his best bud, eating popsicles.

Had a sneak in a picture of my porch. I put up the window boxes again this year (took last year off), and they make me happy.