Today, you are three years old, which seems slightly surreal to me. The last three years are a complete blur, but one filled with an infinite amount of happiness. The idea of trying to sum up my feelings for you is daunting at best. Your daddy and I love you more than we will ever be able to express in this silly blog. But, in fact, this blog was started for one person: you! I wanted a place to record the most mundane details of our daily lives so that I would have a record of our time together. I'm so grateful to have spent the last three years with you, getting to know all of your tiny quirks and intricicies. From your major first year milestones; to your adventures with friends; to your developing language; and now to your toilet training (hooray for your first poop on the potty today - what a great "present" to us!), what an absolute joy it has been to be your mother. To quote one of my favorite books we used to read: "I love you like I love blueberry pancakes."
Happy Birthday, Ethan!
And now, for some more pictures from our trip to the lake, some professional pics of the kids (, and Ethan's party today.