In the meantime, here's what we've been up to, besides what is shown in pictures. We had a very nice Thanksgiving celebrated over two days. We didn't take pictures at either side's celebration, but, trust me, it was all lovely. We had a lot to be thankful for this year, as always. A week after Thanksgiving, we travelled to see Will's Grandbob near Indianapolis. We spent the night, sadly sleepless, in a gorgeous guest apartment where Grandbob lives. Ethan swam in the pool, enjoyed riding the elevator over and over, and behaved well at a big family dinner with Will's grandfather, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We left the second night after dinner to go home and get some sleep! Now, here we are getting ready for Christmas. I'm really doing well with my Christmas shopping and have very little left to get. I've even wrapped quite a bit. Will is home from school next week, and I didn't want to have to spend that time with shopping/wrapping. We plan to do some fun family things like maybe a museum or trip to the zoo.
That's all for now. We've been in the house for 3 days straight as Ethan battles his second bought with croup in about a month. I love my playgroup but it seems the only thing the kids share are their germs!
And here's a picture tour of our pre-Thanksgiving whereabouts:
Taken on a rare day with his bed made, here is a picture of Ethan's "new" room.
Same bed, different view.
This is from a day when Ethan's congested nose was stopping him from a nap. Finally, I put him on the couch with me and popped in Frosty the Snowman. He fell asleep shortly thereafter.
Ethan enjoying our first snow.
This snowsuit belonged to Will when he was Ethan's age. His parents kept it and gave it to us this year. Very cute, but not as warm as his newer one. Couldn't resist getting some pictures of him in it. Here, he is eating snow, which is pretty much what he did our whole time outside while I shovelled the driveway.
My kitchen helper. We made gravy (meat sauce) for Will's birthday dinner. Ethan insists on holding the top since he has watched me do that.
On Friday, December 11, my side of the family came over to celebrate Will's birthday. My mom made this garbage can cake (too cute) that said Reduce, Reuse, Recycle on it.
The next night, Will's side came over (curse of a small house is that having everyone together would have been too crowded). We had a big dinner of baked manicotti, meatballs, sausage, Ceasar salad, and yummy appetizers. My mouth is watering thinking about it!